Ƭ CustomInitTemplates: Object
Ƭ DataSetTemplate: Object
Defines a dataset template for data panel.
Name | Type | Description |
canEdit? |
boolean |
Instructs if DataSet, created from template, can be edited |
id |
string |
Template ID |
nestedTemplates? |
DataSet [] |
RDLX definitions for nested DataSets |
shouldEdit? |
boolean |
Instructs designer to show edit dialog |
template |
DataSet |
RDLX definition of DataSet |
title |
string |
Title |
Ƭ DataSourceTemplate: Object
Defines the datasource template for data panel.
Name | Type | Description |
canEdit? |
boolean |
Instructs if DataSet, created from template, can be edited |
datasets? |
DataSetTemplate [] |
DataSet templates for DataSource based on template |
id |
string |
Template ID |
shouldEdit? |
boolean |
Instructs designer to show edit dialog |
template |
DataSource |
RDLX definition of DataSource |
title |
string |
Title |
Ƭ DesignerCommand: "save"
| "saveAs"
| "create"
| "open"
| "render"
Command name.
Ƭ DesignerConfig: Object
Designer configuration
Name | Type | Description |
appBar? |
{ aboutButton? : { visible? : boolean } ; contextActionsTab? : { visible? : boolean } ; homeTab? : { visible? : boolean } ; parametersTab? : { visible? : boolean } ; visible? : boolean } |
App Bar* settings |
appBar.aboutButton? |
{ visible? : boolean } |
About* button settings |
appBar.aboutButton.visible? |
boolean |
Specifies whether About button needs to be shown in Designer application bar. default true |
appBar.contextActionsTab? |
{ visible? : boolean } |
Context Actions* tab settings |
appBar.contextActionsTab.visible? |
boolean |
Specifies whether Context Actions tab needs to be shown in Designer application bar. default true |
appBar.homeTab? |
{ visible? : boolean } |
Home* tab settings |
appBar.homeTab.visible? |
boolean |
Specifies whether Home tab needs to be shown in Designer application bar. default true |
appBar.parametersTab? |
{ visible? : boolean } |
Parameters* tab settings |
appBar.parametersTab.visible? |
boolean |
Specifies whether Parameters tab needs to be shown in Designer application bar for rdlx documents. default true |
appBar.visible? |
boolean |
Specifies whether App Bar needs to be shown\ default true |
customInitTemplates? |
CustomInitTemplates |
Templates with default values for report and report items. |
data? |
{ commonValues? : { visible? : boolean } ; dataSets? : { canModify : boolean ; visible? : boolean } ; dataSources? : { canModify : boolean ; visible? : boolean } ; dataTab? : { visible? : boolean } ; parameters? : { canModify : boolean ; visible? : boolean } } |
*Data**-related settings |
data.commonValues? |
{ visible? : boolean } |
- |
data.commonValues.visible? |
boolean |
Specifies whether Common Values section needs to be shown.\ default true |
data.dataSets? |
{ canModify : boolean ; visible? : boolean } |
- |
data.dataSets.canModify |
boolean |
Specifies whether it is possible to modify (including add/edit/remove) data sets.\ default false |
data.dataSets.visible? |
boolean |
Specifies whether Data Sets section needs to be shown.\ default true |
data.dataSources? |
{ canModify : boolean ; visible? : boolean } |
Data Sources* section settings |
data.dataSources.canModify |
boolean |
Specifies whether it is possible to modify (including add/edit/remove) data sources default false |
data.dataSources.visible? |
boolean |
Specifies whether Data Sources section needs to be shown default true |
data.dataTab? |
{ visible? : boolean } |
- |
data.dataTab.visible? |
boolean |
default true |
data.parameters? |
{ canModify : boolean ; visible? : boolean } |
- |
data.parameters.canModify |
boolean |
Specifies whether it is possible to modify (including add/edit/remove) report parameters.\ default true |
data.parameters.visible? |
boolean |
Specifies whether Parameters section needs to be shown.\ default true |
dateFormats? |
string [] |
Specifies the list of supported date formats |
disableFocusTimer? |
boolean |
By default, focused elements (like buttons) are highlighted only for a small period of time after Tab key was pressed.\ This settings makes focused elements permanently highlighted. default false |
disableHistoryHotkeys? |
boolean |
If set to 'true' disables default undo and redo report hotkeys. |
disableOpenSaveHotkeys? |
boolean |
If set to 'true' disables default open and save report hotkeys, |
disableSystemClipboard? |
boolean |
Disable usage of system clipboard. Copy-paste between designer instances will work only in the same browser in the same domain default false |
editor? |
{ gridSize? : string ; rulers? : { snapStep? : { cm : number ; in : number } ; visible? : boolean } ; showGrid? : boolean ; snapToGrid? : boolean ; snapToGuides? : boolean } |
Editor settings |
editor.gridSize? |
string |
Specifies default grid size. If units = 'cm', value = 0.5cm by default. Else, value = 0,25in by default |
editor.rulers? |
{ snapStep? : { cm : number ; in : number } ; visible? : boolean } |
Rulers settings |
editor.rulers.snapStep? |
{ cm : number ; in : number } |
Specifies a snapStep value. By default snapStep = { in: 0.25, cm: 0.5 } |
editor.rulers.snapStep.cm |
number |
- |
editor.rulers.snapStep.in |
number |
- |
editor.rulers.visible? |
boolean |
Specifies whether Rulers needs to be shown by default |
editor.showGrid? |
boolean |
Specifies if grid must be shown or hidden by default |
editor.snapToGrid? |
boolean |
Specifies default value for the snapToGrid option default false |
editor.snapToGuides? |
boolean |
Specifies default value for the snapToGuides option default false |
fontSet? |
FontSet |
Sets available set of fonts. |
language? |
string |
Application language, for example 'en', 'ja or 'zh'. default 'en' |
lockLayout? |
boolean |
When lockLayout is enabled, it is only possible to modify properties of existing report items.\ I.e., adding a new report item or deleting of an existing one is not possible as well as other operations that modify report layout structure.\ default false |
menu? |
{ documentExplorer? : { visible? : boolean } ; groupEditor? : { visible? : boolean } ; layerEditor? : { visible? : boolean } ; logo? : { custom? : MenuIcon ; visible? : boolean } ; toolBox? : { visible? : boolean } ; visible? : boolean } |
Menu* settings |
menu.documentExplorer? |
{ visible? : boolean } |
Document Explorer* settings |
menu.documentExplorer.visible? |
boolean |
Specifies whether Document Explorer button needs to be shown default true |
menu.groupEditor? |
{ visible? : boolean } |
Group Editor* settings |
menu.groupEditor.visible? |
boolean |
Specifies whether Group Editor button needs to be shown. default true |
menu.layerEditor? |
{ visible? : boolean } |
Layer Editor* settings |
menu.layerEditor.visible? |
boolean |
Specifies whether Layer Editor button needs to be shown. default true |
menu.logo? |
{ custom? : MenuIcon ; visible? : boolean } |
Logo* settings |
menu.logo.custom? |
MenuIcon |
Sets a custom logo to be shown in the menu |
menu.logo.visible? |
boolean |
Specifies whether logo needs to be shown in the menu default true |
menu.toolBox? |
{ visible? : boolean } |
Tool Box* settings |
menu.toolBox.visible? |
boolean |
Specifies whether left-side menu Tool Box needs to be shown default true |
menu.visible? |
boolean |
Specifies whether Main Menu needs to be shown default true |
propertyGrid? |
{ collapsibleCategories? : { enabled? : boolean } ; mode? : "Basic" | "Advanced" ; propertiesTab? : { visible? : boolean } ; saveExpandEditorsState? : { enabled? : boolean } } |
Property Grid settings |
propertyGrid.collapsibleCategories? |
{ enabled? : boolean } |
- |
propertyGrid.collapsibleCategories.enabled? |
boolean |
When set to true, Property Grid categories become collapsible, and app memorizes categories expanded/collapsed states. default true |
propertyGrid.mode? |
"Basic" | "Advanced" |
Specifies default properties mode |
propertyGrid.propertiesTab? |
{ visible? : boolean } |
- |
propertyGrid.propertiesTab.visible? |
boolean |
Specifies whether Properties tab needs to be shown default true |
propertyGrid.saveExpandEditorsState? |
{ enabled? : boolean } |
- |
propertyGrid.saveExpandEditorsState.enabled? |
boolean |
When set to true, app memorizes editors expanded/collapsed states. default true |
reportPartsLibraries? |
ReportPartsLibrary [] |
Settings for Report Parts library. |
statusBar? |
{ gridSizeEditor? : { visible? : boolean } ; propertiesModeButton? : { visible? : boolean } ; rulersButton? : { visible? : boolean } ; toggleGridButton? : { visible? : boolean } ; toggleUnitsButton? : { visible? : boolean } ; visible? : boolean } |
Status Bar settings |
statusBar.gridSizeEditor? |
{ visible? : boolean } |
- |
statusBar.gridSizeEditor.visible? |
boolean |
Specifies whether Grid Size editor needs to be shown default true |
statusBar.propertiesModeButton? |
{ visible? : boolean } |
- |
statusBar.propertiesModeButton.visible? |
boolean |
default true |
statusBar.rulersButton? |
{ visible? : boolean } |
- |
statusBar.rulersButton.visible? |
boolean |
Specifies whether Show Rulers toggle needs to be shown default true |
statusBar.toggleGridButton? |
{ visible? : boolean } |
- |
statusBar.toggleGridButton.visible? |
boolean |
Specifies whether Show Grid toggle needs to be shown default true |
statusBar.toggleUnitsButton? |
{ visible? : boolean } |
- |
statusBar.toggleUnitsButton.visible? |
boolean |
Specifies whether Units Button button needs to be shown default true |
statusBar.visible? |
boolean |
Specifies whether Status Bar needs to be shown default true |
storeUserPreferences? |
boolean |
When storeUserPreferences is enabled, user preferences will be saved to a browser storage.\ In case storeUnsavedReport is disabled, the aforementioned functionality is not available default true |
themeConfig? |
{ initialTheme? : BuiltInUITheme ; themeSelector? : { availableThemes? : BuiltInUITheme [] ; isEnabled? : boolean } } |
Configures various theme-related settings. |
themeConfig.initialTheme? |
BuiltInUITheme |
The initial theme to be applied. default "Default" |
themeConfig.themeSelector? |
{ availableThemes? : BuiltInUITheme [] ; isEnabled? : boolean } |
Controls Theme Picker behavior |
themeConfig.themeSelector.availableThemes? |
BuiltInUITheme [] |
An array of available themes that can be picked by the user. These themes are built-in themes. default ["System", "Default", "DefaultDark", "DarkOled", "HighContrast", "HighContrastDark", "ActiveReports", "ActiveReportsDark"] |
themeConfig.themeSelector.isEnabled? |
boolean |
shows Theme Picker in UI |
toolBar? |
{ visible? : boolean } |
Tool Bar settings |
toolBar.visible? |
boolean |
Specifies whether Tool Bar needs to be shown default true |
units? |
"in" | "cm" |
Specifies the default measurement units default 'in' |
filterProperties? |
(descriptors : PropertyDescriptor [], item : Record <string , any >) => PropertyDescriptor [] |
Return filtered array of descriptors in the order in which descriptors should be rearranged |
Ƭ DocumentChangedEventArgs: Object
Name | Type | Description |
definition |
Report |
RDLX report definition. |
isDirty |
boolean |
True if report is in dirty (not saved) state. |
Ƭ EditorAPI: Object
Information about the availability of common actions with the report and selected items
Name | Type |
canCopy |
() => boolean |
canCut |
() => boolean |
canDelete |
() => boolean |
canPaste |
() => boolean |
canRedo |
() => boolean |
canUndo |
() => boolean |
copy |
() => void |
cut |
() => void |
delete |
() => void |
paste |
() => void |
redo |
() => void |
undo |
() => void |
Ƭ FontSet: "default"
| "registered"
| "all"
Fonts set.
default: predefined fonts
registered: fonts registered in FontStore
all: predefined an registered in FontStore fonts
Ƭ ImageResourceInfo: Object
Represents image information.
Name | Type | Description |
displayName? |
string |
Resource display name. |
id |
string |
Resource ID. |
mimeType |
string |
Mime type. |
thumbnail? |
string |
Thumbnail. |
Ƭ MenuCssIcon: Object
Name | Type |
class |
string |
type |
"css" |
Ƭ MenuIcon: MenuCssIcon
Ƭ NewReport: Object
Report info representing new report to be created.
Name | Type | Description |
displayName? |
string |
Report display name. |
id? |
string |
Report id. |
masterReportId? |
string |
Master report id. |
reportType |
ReportType |
Type of report. |
Ƭ NewReportInfo: Object
New report info.
Name | Type | Description |
masterReportId? |
string |
Master report id. |
reportType |
ReportType |
Type of report. |
Ƭ NotificationsAPI: Object
Name | Type |
dismissAll |
() => void |
error |
(caption : string , errorText? : string ) => void |
info |
(caption : string , text? : string ) => void |
send |
(level : "info" | "warning" | "error" , caption : string , content? : string ) => void |
warning |
(caption : string , warningText? : string ) => void |
Ƭ PanelsAPI: Object
Contains access to the menu and sidebar panels
Name | Type | Description |
menu |
{ close : () => void ; open : (id : string ) => void ; pin : () => void } |
Menu API * |
menu.close |
[object Object] | - |
menu.open |
[object Object] | - |
menu.pin |
[object Object] | - |
sidebar |
{ close : () => void ; open : (id : string ) => void } |
Sidebar API * |
sidebar.close |
[object Object] | - |
sidebar.open |
[object Object] | - |
Ƭ PropertyDescriptor: Object
Name | Type | Description |
category |
string |
Specifies grouping for the property |
label |
string |
Specifies label for the property |
mode |
PropertyDisplayMode |
Specifies in which view mode the editor should be visible |
type |
string |
Specifies type of the editor that will be rendered |
valuePath |
string |
Path inside objectValue to the value of the property |
Ƭ PropertyDisplayMode: "simple"
| "advanced"
| "both"
Ƭ Report: ReportLink
| ReportDefinition
Report info representing report by ID or definition
Ƭ ReportDefinition: Object
Report info representing report by definition.
Name | Type | Description |
definition |
Report |
RDLX report definition. |
displayName? |
string |
Report display name. |
id? |
string |
Report id. |
Ƭ ReportInfo: Object
Represents current report information.
Name | Type | Description |
definition |
Report |
RDLX report definition. |
displayName |
string |
Report display name. |
id |
string | null |
Report id. |
isDirty |
boolean |
True if report is in dirty (not saved) state. |
Ƭ ReportLink: Object
Report info representing report by ID.
Name | Type | Description |
displayName? |
string |
Report display name. |
id |
string |
Report ID |
Ƭ ReportResourceInfo: Object
Represents external resource information.
Name | Type | Description |
displayName? |
string |
Resource display name. |
id |
string |
Resource ID. |
Ƭ ReportType: "CPL"
| "FPL"
| "Pageless"
Type of report
CPL - Continuous Page Layout
FPL - Fixed Page Layout
Pageless - Pageless Report Layout
Ƭ SaveAsResult: Object
Represents result of "save new report" operation.
Name | Type | Description |
displayName? |
string |
Report display name. |
id |
string |
New report ID. |
Ƭ SaveNewReportInfo: Object
Current report info to be saved as new one.
Name | Type | Description |
definition |
Report |
Current RDLX report definittion. |
displayName? |
string |
Current report display name. |
id? |
string |
Current report ID. |
Ƭ SaveReportInfo: Object
Current report info to be saved.
Name | Type | Description |
definition |
Report |
Current RDLX report definittion. |
displayName? |
string |
Current report display name. |
id |
string |
Current report ID. |
Ƭ SaveResult: Object
Represents result of "save report" operation.
Name | Type | Description |
displayName? |
string |
Report display name after save. |
Ƭ ThemeInfo: Object
Report theme short representation.
Name | Type | Description |
Accent1 |
string |
Accent1 theme color |
Accent2 |
string |
Accent2 theme color |
Accent3 |
string |
Accent3 theme color |
Accent4 |
string |
Accent4 theme color |
Accent5 |
string |
Accent5 theme color |
Accent6 |
string |
Accent6 theme color |
Dark1 |
string |
Dark1 theme color |
Dark2 |
string |
Dark2 theme color |
Light1 |
string |
Light1 theme color |
Light2 |
string |
Light2 theme color |
MajorFontFamily |
string |
Major text theme font family |
MinorFontFamily |
string |
Minor text theme font family |
Ƭ ThemeResourceInfo: Object
Represents theme information.
Name | Type | Description |
displayName? |
string |
Resource display name. |
id |
string |
Resource ID. |
info |
ThemeInfo |
Theme short representation. |
Ƭ WhenDirty: "ask"
| "override"
| "throw"
Represents action to perform in case of dirty report.
ask: show comfirmation dialog
override: override dirty report
throw: throw error