디자이너 컴포넌트 - 보고서 구성요소(Parts)

이 샘플은 보고서 구성요소(Parts) 기능이 실제로 작동하는 모습을 보여줍니다. 라이브러리 패널의 회사 로고, 매출액 카드, 판매 차트 및 데이터 슬라이서 항목을 보고서 레이아웃으로 끌어다 놓아 구성할 수 있습니다. 이 기능은 Designer Component를 사용하여 보고서 내에서 사전 정의된 보고서 항목을 쉽게 통합하고 사용자 정의할 수 있음을 보여줍니다.

import { AfterViewInit, Component, ViewChild } from "@angular/core"; import { ViewerComponent, DesignerComponent, AR_EXPORTS, PdfExportService, HtmlExportService, TabularDataExportService, } from "@mescius/activereportsjs-angular"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", templateUrl: "src/app.component.html", styleUrls: ["src/app.component.css"], providers: [ { provide: AR_EXPORTS, useClass: PdfExportService, multi: true, }, { provide: AR_EXPORTS, useClass: HtmlExportService, multi: true, }, { provide: AR_EXPORTS, useClass: TabularDataExportService, multi: true, }, ], }) export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit { designerHidden = false; initialReport = { id: "reports/init-template.rdlx-json" }; @ViewChild(ViewerComponent, { static: false }) reportViewer: ViewerComponent; @ViewChild(DesignerComponent, { static: false }) reportDesigner: DesignerComponent; ngAfterViewInit() { if(this.reportDesigner){ this.reportDesigner.getPanelsAPI().then(function(panelsApi:any){ panelsApi.menu.open("libraries-list"); }) } } onDesignerOpen() { this.designerHidden = false; } onReportPreview = (report: any) => { this.designerHidden = true; this.reportViewer.open(report.definition); return Promise.resolve(); }; onDesignerInit = function onDesignerInit() { const appBarSettings = { visible: true, // Show the app bar homeTab: { visible: true, // Show the home tab }, contextActionsTab: { visible: false, // Hide the context actions tab }, parametersTab: { visible: false, // Hide the parameters tab }, }; const toolBarSettings = { visible: true, // Show the toolbar }; const menuSettings = { visible: true, // Show the main menu toolBox: { visible: false, // Hide the Tool Box }, documentExplorer: { visible: true, // Show the Document Explorer }, groupEditor: { visible: false, // Hide the Group Editor }, layerEditor: { visible: false, // Hide the Layer Editor }, logo: { visible: false, // Hide the logo }, }; const dataTabSettings = { dataTab: { visible: false, // Hide the Data tab }, }; const propertyGridSettings = { propertiesTab: { visible: true, // Show the Properties tab }, mode: "Basic", // Set the Property Grid mode to "Advanced" or "Basic" }; const statusBarSettings = { visible: false, // Hide the status bar }; const themeConfig = { initialTheme: "ActiveReports", themeSelector: { isEnabled: false, } }; const libraries = [ { id: 'reports/ReportLib.rdlx-json', name: 'ReportLib', displayName: "Sales Data Visualizers" } ]; return { appBar: appBarSettings, toolBar: toolBarSettings, menu: menuSettings, data: dataTabSettings, propertyGrid: propertyGridSettings, statusBar: statusBarSettings, themeConfig: themeConfig, reportPartsLibraries: libraries, }; }; }
import { AfterViewInit, Component, ViewChild } from "@angular/core"; import { ViewerComponent, DesignerComponent, AR_EXPORTS, PdfExportService, HtmlExportService, TabularDataExportService, } from "@mescius/activereportsjs-angular"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", templateUrl: "src/app.component.html", styleUrls: ["src/app.component.css"], providers: [ { provide: AR_EXPORTS, useClass: PdfExportService, multi: true, }, { provide: AR_EXPORTS, useClass: HtmlExportService, multi: true, }, { provide: AR_EXPORTS, useClass: TabularDataExportService, multi: true, }, ], }) export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit { designerHidden = false; initialReport = { id: "reports/init-template.rdlx-json" }; @ViewChild(ViewerComponent, { static: false }) reportViewer: ViewerComponent; @ViewChild(DesignerComponent, { static: false }) reportDesigner: DesignerComponent; ngAfterViewInit() { if(this.reportDesigner){ this.reportDesigner.getPanelsAPI().then(function(panelsApi:any){ panelsApi.menu.open("libraries-list"); }) } } onDesignerOpen() { this.designerHidden = false; } onReportPreview = (report: any) => { this.designerHidden = true; this.reportViewer.open(report.definition); return Promise.resolve(); }; onDesignerInit = function onDesignerInit() { const appBarSettings = { visible: true, // Show the app bar homeTab: { visible: true, // Show the home tab }, contextActionsTab: { visible: false, // Hide the context actions tab }, parametersTab: { visible: false, // Hide the parameters tab }, }; const toolBarSettings = { visible: true, // Show the toolbar }; const menuSettings = { visible: true, // Show the main menu toolBox: { visible: false, // Hide the Tool Box }, documentExplorer: { visible: true, // Show the Document Explorer }, groupEditor: { visible: false, // Hide the Group Editor }, layerEditor: { visible: false, // Hide the Layer Editor }, logo: { visible: false, // Hide the logo }, }; const dataTabSettings = { dataTab: { visible: false, // Hide the Data tab }, }; const propertyGridSettings = { propertiesTab: { visible: true, // Show the Properties tab }, mode: "Basic", // Set the Property Grid mode to "Advanced" or "Basic" }; const statusBarSettings = { visible: false, // Hide the status bar }; const themeConfig = { initialTheme: "ActiveReports", themeSelector: { isEnabled: false, } }; const libraries = [ { id: 'reports/ReportLib.rdlx-json', name: 'ReportLib', displayName: "Sales Data Visualizers" } ]; return { appBar: appBarSettings, toolBar: toolBarSettings, menu: menuSettings, data: dataTabSettings, propertyGrid: propertyGridSettings, statusBar: statusBarSettings, themeConfig: themeConfig, reportPartsLibraries: libraries, }; }; }
@import url("/activereportsjs/demos/arjs/styles/ar-js-ui.css"); @import url("/activereportsjs/demos/arjs/styles/ar-js-viewer.css"); @import url("/activereportsjs/demos/arjs/styles/ar-js-designer.css"); #designer-host, #viewer-host { width: 100%; height: 500px; }
import { BrowserModule } from "@angular/platform-browser"; import { NgModule } from "@angular/core"; import { AppComponent } from "./app.component"; import { ActiveReportsModule } from "@mescius/activereportsjs-angular"; import { ReactiveFormsModule } from "@angular/forms"; @NgModule({ declarations: [AppComponent], imports: [ActiveReportsModule, BrowserModule, ReactiveFormsModule], providers: [], bootstrap: [AppComponent], }) export class AppModule {}
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