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Class: CalendarSettings


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new CalendarSettings()

Creates a calendar settings object. Internal used only.

classdesc Represents a calendar settings object to configure the parameters used by calendars and durations.



daysPerMonth: number

Gets or sets a value that indicates how many work days have in a month. It is used in duration conversions and calculating. The default value is 20;

default 20


defaultDurationDecimalDigits: number

Gets or sets the decimal digits for formatting a duration value. This duration value will be rounded to the nearest decimal places. The default value is 3.

default 3


defaultDurationUnit: DurationUnit

Gets or sets the default unit of duration. It is used in parsing or editing durations. The default value is 'Day'.

default "Day"


defaultFinishTime: Time

Gets or sets the default time for task finish. If the date for task finish has no time specified, then this time will be used. The default value is 17:00.


defaultStartTime: Time

Gets or sets the default time for task start. If the date for task start has no time specified, then this time will be used. The default value is 8:00.


hoursPerDay: number

Gets or sets a value that indicates how many hours have in a workday. It is used in duration conversions and calculating. The default value is 8;

default 8


hoursPerWeek: number

Gets or sets a value that indicates how many hours have in a work week. It is used in duration conversions and calculating. The default value is 40;

default 40


unitLabels: string[]

Gets or sets the labels for duration parsing and formatting. The value should have 6 strings, in the order as Minute, Hour, Day, Week, Month, and Year.


unitLabelsPlurals: string[]

Gets or sets the plurals labels for duration parsing and formatting. The value should have 6 strings, in the order as Minute, Hour, Day, Week, Month, and Year.


weekStartOn: DayOfWeek

Gets or sets a value that indicates the first day of the week. It will affect how to display and calculate weeks. The default value is Sunday.

default GC.Spread.Sheets.GanttSheet.DayOfWeek.Sunday