SpreadJS widget requires one of the following browsers:
Microsoft IE9+
Mozilla FireFox
Google Chrome
The browser must support HTML5.
The client-side Excel import and export requires IE10+.
Note: SpreadJS also supports Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022.
Download the ZIP file (SpreadJS.xxxx.zip) and the save it to a temporary directory on your system, and then unzip the files to a directory.
The default SpreadJS folders (Windows only):
Install Directory | Files | Description |
\SpreadJS.xxxx | LICENSE SPREADJS_EULA | Main directory for product |
\SpreadJS.xxxx\css | gc.spread.sheets.x.x.x.css gc.spread.sheets.excel2013darkGray.xxxx.css gc.spread.sheets.excel2013lightGray.xxxx.css gc.spread.sheets.excel2013white.xxxx.css gc.spread.sheets.excel2016black.xxxx.css gc.spread.sheets.excel2016colorful.xxxx.css gc.spread.sheets.excel2016darkGray.xxxx.css | CSS files |
\SpreadJS.xxxx\definition | GC.spread.sheets.d.ts gc.spread.excelio.d.ts | TypeScript API definition file |
\SpreadJS.xxxx\samples | Sample pages for the widget | |
\SpreadJS.xxxx\scripts | gc.spread.sheets.all.xxxx.min.js | Minimized js file for widget which includes all functions without plugins. |
\SpreadJS.xxxx\scripts\modules | gc.data.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.calcengine.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.calcengine.advancedfunctions.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.calcengine.basicfunctions.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.common.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.automerge.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.bindings.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.calcengine.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.cellstate.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.celltypes.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.comments.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.conditionalformatting.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.contextmenu.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.core.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.datavalidation.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.dragmerge.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.fill.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.filter.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.floatingobjects.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.formulatextbox.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.hyperlink.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.namebox.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.outlinecolumn.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.outlines.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.search.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.sparklines.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.statusbar.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.tables.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.touch.xxxx.min.js | modules js files |
\SpreadJS.xxxx\scripts\interop | gc.spread.excelio.xxxx.min.js | Client-side Excel import and export support files |
\SpreadJS.xxxx\scripts\interop\angularjs | gc.spread.sheets.angularjs.xxxxx.min.js | AngularJS support files |
\SpreadJS.xxxx\scripts\interop\angular | gc.spread.sheets.angular.xxxxx.min.js | Angular support files |
\SpreadJS.xxxx\scripts\interop\react | gc.spread.sheets.react.xxxxx.min.js | React support file |
\SpreadJS.xxxx\scripts\interop\vuejs | gc.spread.sheets.vue.xxxxx.min.js | Vue support file |
\SpreadJS.xxxx\scripts\resources | ja\gc.spread.sheets.resources.ja.xxxxx.min.js zh\gc.spread.sheets.resources.zh.xxxx.min.js ko\gc.spread.sheets.resources.ko.xxxx.min.js | Japanese, Chinese, and Korean resource files |
\SpreadJS.xxxx\scripts\plugins | gc.spread.pivot.pivottables.xxxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.barcode.xxxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.charts.xxxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.pdf.xxxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.print.xxxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.shapes.xxxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.tablesheet.xxxxx.min.js gc.spread.calcengine.languagepackages.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.io.xxxx.min.js gc.spread.sheets.slicers.xxxx.min.js | The Barcode, Chart, Pivot Table, Print, Shapes, TableSheet, CalcEngine and Client-side PDF export plugins files. |
Install SpreadJS Designer
Save the downloaded ZIP file (SpreadJSDesigner.zip) to a temporary directory on your system, and then unzip the files to a directory.
Run the setup file for your environment.
Run the designer, select the lock icon, and enter your license key to unlock the SpreadJS Designer.
Platform | Setup |
Windows | SpreadJS-Designer.x.x.x.exe |
Mac | SpreadJS-Designer.x.x.x.dmg |
Linux | SpreadJS-Designer.x.x.x.AppImage |
The default SpreadJS designer folder:
Install Directory | Description |
%Program Files%\MESCIUS\SpreadJS Designer\x.x.x | Designer directory for product |
Refer to Trial Version and Licensing Information for licensing information.
To install SpreadJS packages using NPM, you must install Node.js and the npm command line interface using a Node installer or a Node version manager.
To learn how to get started with Node.js and npm command line interface, see npm Docs.
You can download the SpreadJS packages from NPM:
Package | Purpose |
Spreadsheet package | |
Spreadsheet designer component | |
Shape add-on for SpreadJS | |
TableSheet add-on for SpreadJS | |
SpreadJS package for Excel I/O operations | |
Calculation engine support for SpreadJS | |
Chart add-on for SpreadJS | |
Barcode support for SpreadJS | |
Pivot support for SpreadJS | |
PDF export support for SpreadJS | |
Print support for SpreadJS | |
Support for I/O operations in SpreadJS | |
SpreadJS Designer Component for React framework | |
SpreadJS Designer Wrapper Components for Vue framework | |
SpreadJS Wrapper Components for Angular framework |