The following features have been added to this version of the product.
Auto Fill using double-click is now supported. Users can automatically fill the cells with data (dates, numbers, formulas, etc.) down an entire column by double-clicking the fill handle.
With extensive support for the Number and Date format, users can choose to display numbers and dates just like in Excel. The data in the cells is displayed dynamically based on the width of the columns.
Using Excel-like Status Bar, users can get important spreadsheet information such as the selected cell mode, average, cell count, numerical count, maximum, minimum, and the sum of the selected cells along with zoom slider and zoom panel.
This version of the product has the following changes.
With improved data validation, users can highlight invalid data using three different types of highlight types (circle, dog-ear, and icon) and six different types of highlight positions (topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft, outsideLeft and outsideRight).
Subtotal function is now supported in SpreadJS Designer. Users can find this option in the Data Tab
New Clipboard options "Values & Formatting" and "Formulas & Formatting" have been introduced to improve the clipboard paste behavior.
New Era Japanese Year and Formatting is now supported.
Blank Table Style is now supported in SpreadJS Designer.
The following issues have been resolved since the last release.
When users insert columns in a table, the generated column names are completely accurate. [271140]
The VALUE function can now parse special date strings to the corresponding date values. [254790]
Now, appropriate consistency is maintained while formatting input values to numbers as compared to Excel. [271306]
The special custom names now work correctly. [271304]
The TopRowChanged event can now be triggered in IPAD every time the top row gets modified. [266104]
The time validator in Excel now works in SpreadJS as well without any issues. [266825]
The result of the formula AVERAGE DIV/0 in SpreadJS is now same as the result in Excel. [267401]
The zoom ratio of the image is same as to the zoom ratio of the row or column. [267455]
While working with combo box celltype, no memory leak issues are encountered now. [266254]
The filter dialog now opens quickly. [265694]
The RangeChanged event action names are now displayed correctly. [264987]
After exporting a spreadsheet with filters, Excel 2013 works smoothly without any issues. [266100]
The performance of CopyTo and clipboardPaste command has been enhanced. [266258]
The Scrollbar position now synchronises correctly while switching from an outline sheet to a normal sheet. [266325]
The dynamicSize of the shape now gives accurate and valid results while switching between sheets. [266402]
The format result of "0.000000000000000%" in SpreadJS is now accurate and exactly same as produced in Excel. [266481]
After exporting spreadsheets to Excel, the outline expand status is now displayed correctly. [266539]
The fromJSON method can now load the old version of json data correctly. [266568]
The secondary axis of the chart can be exported to Excel without any issues. [267048]
The cell padding now works correctly with conditional formatting rule (and on the condition format icon). [267140]
The superscript and subscript positions are now displayed just like in Excel. [267369]
Upon deselecting the chart, the data range doesn't get highlighted now. [267047]
The chart is not deleted when all the axis groups of the series of a chart are changed. [267766]
The position of the context menu-subitems are now displayed correctly. [267387]
The calculation of the QUARTILE.EXC function now produces accurate results. [268025]
100% Stacked Chart now renders correctly when chart series are plotted on the secondary axis. [267785]
The Data Filters now work correctly and do not shift down when rows are added to the spreadsheet. [267933]
The floating objects are now displayed correctly, without any issues. [267662]
The negative numbers now display negative signs when the number format is set to [=0]"";General. [267663]
The cell borders of the empty cells are now displayed correctly. [267149]
The %formattor works accurately when exporting spreadsheets to Excel. [267035]
Now, SpreadJS doesn't allow users to add or paste tables to a range that already contains a table at the same place. [267454]
The PDF417 barcode containing specific data can now scan all the information correctly without any issues. [269192]
The formatter in SpreadJS is now displayed similar to the formatter in Excel. [269201]
The lookup and reference formulas like VLOOKUP(A4,A1:B3,2) now calculate accurate results which are same as in Excel. [269185]
Now, the single quote (') can also be used in worksheet names just like in Excel. [268811]
Excel files with custom formatting can be opened without any issues. [269501]
After importing ssjson files into SpreadJS, users are now able to export spreadsheets to Excel. [269535]
While working with SpreadJS Web Designer, the decimal points in the empty cell formula can now be increased or decreased without any issues. [270157]
While exporting files in SpreadJS Designer, the focus doesn't get changed. [269958]
While using the HitTest feature, the shapes can now be detected correctly at all the positions on the screen. [269392]
After exporting with -1 row or column in the filter range, the Excel can now be opened without any issues. [270136]
SpreadJS allows users to import cell formats even if the Excel file is generated using a third-party control. [270018]
After importing Excel files, the chart series name displays correctly. [269622]
The time computation now works correctly. [269867]
The combo chart with similar series names render correctly. [269719]
When the chart object loses focus, the chart series gets deselected automatically. [269720]
When the cell referenced by the formula contains #DIV/0, the AVERAGEIF formula behaves in consistence with Excel. [269648]
The shape cursor now works correctly when a shape stacks up with a floating object or grafted on a picture. [269383]
Now, the spaces are not lost while exporting to PDF. [269371]
The position of the connector shapes are not shifted after exporting to Excel. [269350]
The performance of the export to PDF operations has been enhanced and optimized to a considerable extent for the export to PDF operations. [269170]
Now, SpreadJS allows users to set the font style and font family for the pasted or dragged cell. [270112]
The cell format is now displayed correctly after the import operation is executed. [270846]
Now, the Line shape position remains intact while importing and exporting JSON files. [270527]
While exporting spreadsheets, the "Sumifs" formula doesn't get modified to "_xlfn.SUM_xlfn.IFS" and works as expected. [270478]
While executing the import operation on spreadsheets, the RichText feature in SpreadJS now works correctly. [270386]
The format "[m]" now works correctly in the function text. [270289]
Pie charts with categories having exactly similar names can now be rendered correctly. [270431]
The firstPageNumber() method of PrintInfo class now works correctly and the pagecount is increased or decreased in the header and footer. [270365]
Now, the font style doesn't change and works as expected even after the Excel files are imported into SpreadJS. [270439]
The custom separators including the ArrayListSeparator are now replaced correctly in the formula and work as expected. [270153]
Now, the font color remains intact after importing Excel files. [270447]
After the cell is set to the conditional format, the border line now remains intact and displays correctly. [270483]
Now, the spreadsheets containing charts doesn't freeze after executing the undo operation. [270506]
The size of the images and pictures now remains intact after exporting to Excel. [270000]
The worksheet names in SpreadJS 12.0 and above can now be saved correctly. [270514]
Now, the transparency for the pie chart slices can be set using the 'backColorTransparency' property. [269888]
Now, the fonts in the spreadsheet remain intact while setting the conditional formatting. [270612]
SpreadJS chart animation remains intact during the JSON export and import operations. [269829]
After the Excel document in the attachment is imported into SpreadJS, the Y axis now remains intact and doesn't move from the left position to the right. [270796]
The AVERAGEA formula now calculates accurate result which is same as in Excel. [270890]
The size and location of the picture is displayed correctly. [269174]
The performance is enhanced for setting cell format for a large number of cells (>1000 cells). [270927]
The format of the PieChart data labels remains intact while importing Excel files. [270996]
The exported JSON files now contain correct style information. [268671]
After importing Excel document into SpreadJS, the floating objects now behave correctly. [271004]
The formulas now work correctly and calculate accurate results. [263729]
Pasting "#,##0; Red" format from Excel is now calculated as a number. [259452]
Now there are no issues with rendering licenses in SpreadJS Designer. [270445]
While copying the DataValidation to other sheets, Spreadjs will now paste to another location. [270174]
The settings of fitPagesTall property are now exported to Excel without any issues. [269513]
In the SpreadJS Designer, the list that displays while clicking on the search results is now located correctly. [270131]
Now there are no issues while printing PDF files when the printInfo().columnEnd() is set to a particular column. [270086]
The AVERAGEIF formula now calculates accurate result just like in Excel, even if the cell containing the formula is empty. [270191]
Now, the unfilter operation in SpreadJS works as expected and fires the RangeFiltering and the RangeFiltered events without any issues. [270195]
When the filter range is (0,0,x,x), the columnHeadersAsFrozenRows property behaves as expected. [270237]
For selected cells, the decimal increase or decrease now works correctly. [270542]
Chart - Switch Row/Column break data binding with row alias. [270601]
The Concatenate formula now caclulates accurate results. [271069]
The Combo Chart can now be imported properly from Excel into SpreadJS. [264215]
The setColumnDataFormula and insert row operations can now propagate formulas without any issues. [270811]
The cross worksheet formulas are now updated correctly while executing the undo process. [270060]
The cross worksheet formula are now updated correctly while executing the drag-and-drop operations. [270055]
SpreadSheetGear can now open the Excel files generated by SpreadJS. [269354]