아래 코드는 워크시트에서 행 작업이 있는 TableSheet를 렌더링하는 방법을 보여줍니다:
이 데모의 기능
행 작업
window.onload = function() {
var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss"), { sheetCount: 1 });
function initSpread(spread) {
var sheet = spread.getActiveSheet();
initTableSheet(spread, function(tableSheet) {
var dataRange = registerTableSheetIntoWorksheet(tableSheet, sheet);
beautifySheet(sheet, dataRange);
async function initTableSheet(spread, callback) {
spread.options.autoFitType = GC.Spread.Sheets.AutoFitType.cellWithHeader;
//init a data manager
var dataManager = spread.dataManager();
var categoryAPI = getBaseApiUrl() + "/Category";
var categoryTable = dataManager.addTable("categoryTable", {
remote: {
read: { url: categoryAPI }
var supplierAPI = getBaseApiUrl() + "/Supplier";
var supplierTable = dataManager.addTable("supplierTable", {
remote: {
read: { url: supplierAPI }
var productAPI = getBaseApiUrl() + "/Product";
var productTable = dataManager.addTable("productTable", {
autoSync: true,
remote: {
read: { url: productAPI },
update: { url: productAPI, method: "PUT" },
create: { url: productAPI },
delete: { url: productAPI }
schema: {
columns: {
CategoryId: {
lookup: {
name: "category",
columns: [
{ value: "Id", width: 100 },
{ value: "CategoryName", width: 160 },
{ value: "Description", width: 400 }
SupplierId: {
lookup: {
name: "supplier",
columns: [
{ value: "Id", width: 100 },
{ value: "CompanyName", width: 180 },
{ value: "ContactName", width: 140 },
{ value: "ContactTitle", width: 140 },
{ value: "ContactTitle", width: 140 },
{ value: "City", width: 100 },
{ value: "Address", width: 140 },
{ value: "Phone", width: 100 }
dataManager.addRelationship(productTable, "CategoryId", "category", categoryTable, "Id", "product");
dataManager.addRelationship(productTable, "SupplierId", "supplier", supplierTable, "Id", "product");
//init a table sheet
var tableSheet = spread.addSheetTab(0, "MyTableSheet", GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetType.tableSheet);
//row actions
var rowActions = GC.Spread.Sheets.TableSheet.BuiltInRowActions;
let options = tableSheet.rowActionOptions();
//bind a view to the table sheet
await categoryTable.fetch();
await supplierTable.fetch();
await productTable.fetch();
var nameStyle = {
fontWeight: "bold"
var relationStyle = {
foreColor: "#818181"
var formulaRule = {
ruleType: "formulaRule",
formula: "@>1000",
style: {
foreColor: "orange"
var myView = productTable.addView("myView", [
{ value: "ProductName", caption: "Name", width: 250, style: nameStyle },
{ value: "QuantityPerUnit", caption: "Quantity Per Unit", width: 140 },
{ value: "SupplierId", caption: "Supplier Id", width: 140 },
{ value: "supplier.CompanyName", caption: "Supplier Company", width: 200, style: relationStyle, headerStyle: relationStyle },
{ value: "CategoryId", caption: "Category Id", width: 140 },
{ value: "category.CategoryName", caption: "Category Name", width: 140, style: relationStyle, headerStyle: relationStyle },
{ value: "UnitPrice", caption: "Unit Price", width: 140 },
{ value: "UnitsInStock", caption: "Units In Stock", width: 140 },
{ value: "=[@UnitPrice]*[@UnitsInStock]", caption: "Total Price", conditionalFormats: [formulaRule] }
callback && callback(tableSheet);
return tableSheet;
function registerTableSheetIntoWorksheet (tableSheet, sheet) {
var name = tableSheet.name() + "_DataRange";
var row = 1;
var col = 1;
var dataRange = sheet.dataRanges.add(name, tableSheet.name(), new GC.Spread.Sheets.Range(row, col, -1, -1));
return dataRange;
function beautifySheet(sheet, dataRange) {
var range = dataRange.range();
for (var i = range.row; i < range.row + range.rowCount; i++) {
for (var i = range.col; i < range.col + range.colCount; i++) {
sheet.setColumnWidth(1, 30);
sheet.setColumnWidth(2, 30);
sheet.setColumnWidth(3, 30);
sheet.setColumnWidth(4, 30);
function getBaseApiUrl() {
return window.location.href.match(/http.+spreadjs\/learn-spreadjs\//)[0] + 'server/api';
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