AngularJS directive for the TreeView control.
Use the wj-tree-view directive to add TreeView to your AngularJS applications. Note that directive and parameter names must be formatted as lower-case with dashes instead of camel-case. For example:
<wj-tree-view items-source="items" display-member-path="ctx.displayMemberPath" child-items-path="ctx.childItemsPath" is-animated="ctx.isAnimated"> </wj-tree-view>
The wj-tree-view directive supports the following attributes:
AngularJS directive for the TreeView control.
Use the wj-tree-view directive to add TreeView to your AngularJS applications. Note that directive and parameter names must be formatted as lower-case with dashes instead of camel-case. For example:
The wj-tree-view directive supports the following attributes:
An array that contains the TreeView items.@
A value indicating the name of the property (or properties) that contains the child items for each node.=
A reference to the TreeView control created by this directive.@
A value indicating the name of the property (or properties) to use as the visual representation of the nodes.@
A value indicating the name of the property (or properties) to use as a source of images for the nodes.@
A value indicating whether whether items are bound to plain text or HTML.&
This event occurs after the binding has finished initializing the control with attribute values.=
A value indicating whether the binding has finished initializing the control with attribute values.@
A value determines whether the TreeView should add checkboxes to nodes and manage their state.@
A value determines if sibling nodes should be collapsed when a node is expanded.@
A value indicating whether to use animations when expanding or collapsing nodes.@
A value determines whether users can edit the text in the nodes.@
A value determines whether users can drag and drop nodes within the TreeView.@
A value determines whether to expand collapsed nodes when the user clicks the node header.@
A value indicating the data item that is currently selected.@
A value indicating TreeNode that is currently selected.@
An array containing the items that are currently checked.=
A function that loads child nodes on demand.&
The TreeView.itemsSourceChanged event handler.&
The TreeView.loadingItems event handler.&
The TreeView.loadedItems event handler.&
The TreeView.itemClicked event handler.&
The TreeView.selectedItemChanged event handler.&
The TreeView.checkedItemsChanged event handler.&
The TreeView.isCollapsedChanging event handler.&
The TreeView.isCollapsedChanged event handler.&
The TreeView.isCheckedChanging event handler.&
The TreeView.isCheckedChanged event handler.&
The TreeView.formatItem event handler.&
The TreeView.dragStart event handler.&
The TreeView.dragOver event handler.&
The TreeView.drop event handler.&
The TreeView.dragEnd event handler.&
The TreeView.nodeEditStarting event handler.&
The TreeView.nodeEditStarted event handler.&
The TreeView.nodeEditEnding event handler.&
The TreeView.nodeEditEnded event handler.