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WjComponentLoader Class

Angular component to dynamically load other components.

Use the wj-component-loader component to create and load an instance of an arbitrary component class in place of wj-component-loader. You can also pass a set of property values to the instantiated component.

Note that any component class which is expected to be instantiated using the wj-component-loader component must be declared in the entryComponents array of the application @NgModule decorator.

The example below demonstrates FlexGrid with columns dynamically generated form the column definitions array in the data model. Column definition can optionally contain a reference to a component class that should be used as a cell template. The wj-component-loader component is used to instantiate such a component in the cell template.

<wj-flex-grid #flex [itemsSource]="data">
 <wj-flex-grid-column *ngFor="let col of columns"
        <ng-template *ngIf="col.cellTemplate"
              wjFlexGridCellTemplate [cellType]="'Cell'"
         <wj-component-loader [component]="col.cellTemplate"
                 [properties]="{item: cell.item}">
export class AppCmp {
    columns: any[];

    constructor() {
        this.columns = [
            { header: 'Product', binding: 'product' },
            { header: 'Revenue', binding: 'amount', format: 'n0' },
                header: 'Expense',
binding: 'amount2',
cellTemplate: ExpenseCellCmp

export class ExpenseCellCmp {
    item: any;
    imports: [CommonModule, WjGridModule],
    declarations: [AppCmp],
    entryComponents: [ExpenseCellCmp]


  • WjComponentLoader




component: any

Gets or sets a component class reference that should be instantiated by the wj-component-loader component.

Note that any component class which is expected to be instantiated using the wj-component-loader component must be declared in the entryComponents array of the application @NgModule decorator.


properties: Object

Gets or sets an object with property name-value pairs which is used to initialize the instantiated component.