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wijmo Module

Contains utilities used by all controls and modules, as well as the Control and Event classes.


Const changeCulture

changeCulture: Object

Change culture with given code async


string (e.g. "jp")



Const changeCultureSync

changeCultureSync: Object

Change culture with given code synced


string (e.g. "jp")




culture: any

Gets or sets an object that contains all localizable strings in the Wijmo library.

The culture selector is a two-letter string that represents an ISO 639 culture.



  • addClass(e: Element, className: string): void
  • Adds a class to an element.


    • e: Element

      Element that will have the class added.

    • className: string

      Class (or space-separated list of classes) to add to the element.

    Returns void


  • animate(apply: IAnimateCallback, duration?: number, step?: number): any
  • Calls a function on a timer with a parameter varying between zero and one.

    Use this function to create animations by modifying document properties or styles on a timer.

    For example, the code below changes the opacity of an element from zero to one in one second:

    import { animate } from '@mescius/wijmo';
    const element = document.getElementById('someElement');
    animate(pct => {
        element.style.opacity = pct;
    }, 1000);

    The function returns an interval ID that you can use to stop the animation. This is typically done when you are starting a new animation and wish to suspend other on-going animations on the same element. For example, the code below keeps track of the interval ID and clears if before starting a new animation:

    import { animate } from '@mescius/wijmo';
    const element = document.getElementById('someElement');
    if (this._animInterval) {
    this._animInterval = animate(pct => {
        element.style.opacity = pct;
        if (pct == 1) {
            self._animInterval = null;
    }, 1000);


    • apply: IAnimateCallback

      Callback function that modifies the document. The function takes a single parameter that represents a percentage.

    • Optional duration: number

      The duration of the animation, in milliseconds.

    • Optional step: number

      The interval between animation frames, in milliseconds.

    Returns any

    An interval id that you can use to suspend the animation.


  • asArray(value: any, nullOK?: boolean): any[]
  • Asserts that a value is an array.


    • value: any

      Value supposed to be an array.

    • Optional nullOK: boolean

      Whether null values are acceptable.

    Returns any[]

    The array passed in.


  • asBoolean(value: boolean, nullOK?: boolean): boolean
  • Asserts that a value is a Boolean.


    • value: boolean

      Value supposed to be Boolean.

    • Optional nullOK: boolean

      Whether null values are acceptable.

    Returns boolean

    The Boolean passed in.



  • asDate(value: Date, nullOK?: boolean): Date
  • Asserts that a value is a Date.


    • value: Date

      Value supposed to be a Date.

    • Optional nullOK: boolean

      Whether null values are acceptable.

    Returns Date

    The Date passed in.


  • asEnum(value: number, enumType: any, nullOK?: boolean): number
  • Asserts that a value is a valid setting for an enumeration.


    • value: number

      Value supposed to be a member of the enumeration.

    • enumType: any

      Enumeration to test for.

    • Optional nullOK: boolean

      Whether null values are acceptable.

    Returns number

    The value passed in.


  • asFunction(value: any, nullOK?: boolean): Function
  • Asserts that a value is a function.


    • value: any

      Value supposed to be a function.

    • Optional nullOK: boolean

      Whether null values are acceptable.

    Returns Function

    The function passed in.


  • asInt(value: number, nullOK?: boolean, positive?: boolean): number
  • Asserts that a value is an integer.


    • value: number

      Value supposed to be an integer.

    • Optional nullOK: boolean

      Whether null values are acceptable.

    • Optional positive: boolean

      Whether to accept only positive integers.

    Returns number

    The number passed in.


  • asNumber(value: number, nullOK?: boolean, positive?: boolean): number
  • Asserts that a value is a number.


    • value: number

      Value supposed to be numeric.

    • Optional nullOK: boolean

      Whether null values are acceptable.

    • Optional positive: boolean

      Whether to accept only positive numeric values.

    Returns number

    The number passed in.


  • asString(value: string, nullOK?: boolean): string
  • Asserts that a value is a string.


    • value: string

      Value supposed to be a string.

    • Optional nullOK: boolean

      Whether null values are acceptable.

    Returns string

    The string passed in.


  • asType(value: any, type: any, nullOK?: boolean): any
  • Asserts that a value is an instance of a given type.


    • value: any

      Value to be checked.

    • type: any

      Type of value expected.

    • Optional nullOK: boolean

      Whether null values are acceptable.

    Returns any

    The value passed in.


  • assert(condition: boolean, msg: string, showStackTrace?: boolean): void
  • Throws an exception if a condition is false.


    • condition: boolean

      Condition expected to be true.

    • msg: string

      Message of the exception if the condition is not true.

    • Optional showStackTrace: boolean

    Returns void


  • changeType(value: any, type: DataType, format?: string, refDate?: Date): any
  • Changes the type of a value.

    If the conversion fails, the original value is returned. To check if a conversion succeeded, you should check the type of the returned value.


    • value: any

      Value to convert.

    • type: DataType

      DataType to convert the value to.

    • Optional format: string

      Format to use when converting to or from strings.

    • Optional refDate: Date

      Reference date to use when parsing strings with missing information.

    Returns any

    The converted value, or the original value if a conversion was not possible.


  • clamp(value: number, min: number, max: number): number
  • Clamps a value between a minimum and a maximum.


    • value: number

      Original value.

    • min: number

      Minimum allowed value.

    • max: number

      Maximum allowed value.

    Returns number


  • closest(e: any, selector: string): Element
  • Finds the closest ancestor (including the original element) that satisfies a selector.


    • e: any

      Element where the search should start.

    • selector: string

      A string containing a selector expression to match elements against.

    Returns Element

    The closest ancestor that satisfies the selector, or null if not found.


  • closestClass(e: any, className: string): Node
  • Finds the closest ancestor (including the original element) that satisfies a class selector.


    • e: any

      Element where the search should start.

    • className: string

      A string containing the class name to match elements against.

    Returns Node

    The closest ancestor that has the specified class name, or null if not found.


  • contains(parent: any, child: any, popup?: boolean): boolean
  • Checks whether an HTML element contains another.


    • parent: any

      Parent element.

    • child: any

      Child element.

    • Optional popup: boolean

      Whether to take Wijmo popups into account.

    Returns boolean

    True if the parent element contains the child element.


  • copy(dst: any, src: any, copySubObjects?: boolean, copyNativeSubObjects?: boolean): any
  • Copies properties from an object to another.

    This method is typically used to initialize controls and other Wijmo objects by setting their properties and assigning event handlers.

    The destination object must define all the properties defined in the source, or an error will be thrown.


    • dst: any

      The destination object.

    • src: any

      The source object.

    • Optional copySubObjects: boolean

      Whether to copy properties of Object type props.

    • Optional copyNativeSubObjects: boolean

    Returns any

    The destination object.


  • createElement(html: string, appendTo?: HTMLElement, css?: any): HTMLElement
  • Creates an element from an HTML string.


    • html: string

      HTML fragment to convert into an HTMLElement.

    • Optional appendTo: HTMLElement

      Optional HTMLElement to append the new element to.

    • Optional css: any

      Optional CSS attributes to apply to the root of the new element.

    Returns HTMLElement

    The new element.


  • deepClone<T>(obj: T): T
  • Creates a recursive deep copy of an object or array, ensuring that all nested structures are duplicated without retaining references to the original instance.

    Type parameters

    • T


    • obj: T

      Array or Object to deep clone

    Returns T

    Returns deep cloned array or object


  • disableAutoComplete(e: HTMLInputElement): void
  • Disables the autocomplete, autocorrect, autocapitalize, and spellcheck properties of an input element.


    • e: HTMLInputElement

      The input element.

    Returns void


  • enable(e: HTMLElement, value: boolean): void
  • Enables or disables an element.


    • e: HTMLElement

      Element to enable or disable.

    • value: boolean

      Whether to enable or disable the element.

    Returns void


  • escapeHtml(text: string): string
  • Escapes a string by replacing HTML characters with text entities.

    Strings entered by users should always be escaped before they are displayed in HTML pages. This helps ensure page integrity and prevent HTML/javascript injection attacks.


    • text: string

      Text to escape.

    Returns string

    An HTML-escaped version of the original string.


  • escapeRegExp(text: string): string
  • Escapes a string by prefixing special regular expression characters with backslashes.


    • text: string

      Text to escape.

    Returns string

    A RegExp-escaped version of the original string.


  • evalTemplate(template: string, ctx?: any): string
  • Evaluates a string in template literal notation.

    This function allows you to evaluate template literals on-demand, rather than when they are declared.

    The template string uses the standard template literal syntax, except it is a regular string (enclosed in single or double quotes) rather than a template literal (enclosed in back-quotes).

    The template string may contain references to variables provided in a context object passed as a parameter.

    The template string may contain formatting information as used with the glbz tag function.

    For example:

    import { evalTemplate } from '@mescius/wijmo';
    const msg = evalTemplate('hello ${user}, want some ${Math.PI}:n2?', { user: 'Chris' }));
    > hello Chris, want some 3.14?


    • template: string

      String in template literal notation.

    • Optional ctx: any

      Object with properties acessible to the template.

    Returns string

    A string containing the result.


  • focusFirst(container: HTMLElement, focusableSelector?: string): boolean
  • Moves the focus to the first focusable element within a given container. Optionally, focuses the first element that matches a specific selector. The element would not be focused if it's disabled or it's tabIndex < 0


    • container: HTMLElement

      The DOM element.

    • Optional focusableSelector: string

      Optional. A CSS selector specifying which elements to consider for focusing.

    Returns boolean

    True if an element was focused, otherwise false.


  • format(format: string, data: any, formatFunction?: Function): string
  • Replaces each format item in a specified string with the text equivalent of an object's value.

    The function works by replacing parts of the formatString with the pattern '{name:format}' with properties of the data parameter. For example:

    import { format } from '@mescius/wijmo';
    let data = { name: 'Joe', amount: 123456 },
        msg = format('Hello {name}, you won {amount:n2}!', data);

    The format function supports pluralization. If the format string is a JSON-encoded object with 'count' and 'when' properties, the method uses the 'count' parameter of the data object to select the appropriate format from the 'when' property. For example:

    import { format } from '@mescius/wijmo';
    fmtObj fmt = {
        count: 'count',
        when: {
            0: 'No items selected.',
            1: 'One item is selected.',
            2: 'A pair is selected.',
            'other': '{count:n0} items are selected.'
    let fmt = JSON.stringify(fmtObj);
    console.log(format(fmt, { count: 0 }));  // No items selected.
    console.log(format(fmt, { count: 1 }));  // One item is selected.
    console.log(format(fmt, { count: 2 }));  // A pair is selected.
    console.log(format(fmt, { count: 12 })); // 12 items are selected.

    The optional formatFunction allows you to customize the content by providing context-sensitive formatting. If provided, the format function gets called for each format element and gets passed the data object, the parameter name, the format, and the value; it should return an output string. For example:

    import { format, isString, escapeHtml } from '@mescius/wijmo';
    let data = { name: 'Joe', amount: 123456 },
        msg = format('Hello {name}, you won {amount:n2}!', data,
        (data, name, fmt, val) => {
            if (isString(data[name])) {
                val = escapeHtml(data[name]);
            return val;


    • format: string

      A composite format string.

    • data: any

      The data object used to build the string.

    • Optional formatFunction: Function

      An optional function used to format items in context.

    Returns string

    The formatted string.


  • getActiveElement(): HTMLElement
  • Gets a reference to the element that contains the focus, accounting for shadow document fragments.

    Returns HTMLElement


  • getAggregate(aggType: Aggregate, items: any[], binding?: string, sheet?: any): any
  • Calculates an aggregate value from the values in an array.


    • aggType: Aggregate

      Type of aggregate to calculate.

    • items: any[]

      Array with the items to aggregate.

    • Optional binding: string

      Name of the property to aggregate on (in case the items are not simple values).

    • Optional sheet: any

    Returns any


  • getElement(selector: any): HTMLElement
  • Gets an element from a query selector.


    • selector: any

      An element, a query selector string, or a jQuery object.

    Returns HTMLElement


  • getElementRect(e: Element): Rect
  • Gets the bounding rectangle of an element in page coordinates.

    This is similar to the getBoundingClientRect function, except that uses viewport coordinates, which change when the document scrolls.


    • e: Element

    Returns Rect


  • getOffsetFromAncestor(node: HTMLElement, refNode: HTMLElement): Object
  • Gets the offset of provided element from the ref parent node


    • node: HTMLElement

      The DOM node to calculate offset of

    • refNode: HTMLElement

      The ancestor node from which offset needs to be calculated

    Returns Object


  • getScrollableParent(element: HTMLElement): HTMLElement
  • Gets the first ancestor of provided node that is scrollable or the document.scrollingElement if no such parent exists


    • element: HTMLElement

      The DOM node

    Returns HTMLElement


  • Gets the type of a value.


    • value: any

      Value to test.

    Returns DataType

    A DataType value representing the type of the value passed in.


  • Gets an array containing the names and types of items in an array.


    • arr: any[]

      Array containing data items.

    • Optional limit: number

      Number of the array items to scan (1000 by default). Zero or negative value causes the function to scan all items.

    Returns IBindingInfo[]

    An array containing objects with the binding and type of each primitive property in the items found in the input array.


  • getUniqueId(baseId: string): string
  • Creates a new unique id for an element by adding sequential numbers to a given base id.


    • baseId: string

      String to use as a basis for generating the unique id.

    Returns string


  • getVersion(): string
  • Gets the version of the Wijmo library that is currently loaded.

    Returns string


  • glbz(...args: any[]): string
  • Tag function for use with template literals.

    The glbz tag function allows you to specify formatting for variables in template literal expressions.

    To format a variable in a template literal using glbz, add a colon and the format string after the name of the variable you want to format.

    For example:

    import { glbz } from '@mescius/wijmo';
    let num = 42,
        dt = new Date(),
        msg = glbz`the number is ${num}:n2, and the date is ${dt}:'MMM d, yyyy'!`;


    • Rest ...args: any[]

    Returns string


  • hasClass(e: Element, className: string): boolean
  • Checks whether an element has a class.


    • e: Element

      Element to check.

    • className: string

      Class to check for.

    Returns boolean



  • hidePopup(popup: HTMLElement, remove?: any, fadeOut?: boolean): any
  • Hides a popup element previously displayed with the showPopup method.


    • Popup element to hide.

    • Optional remove: any

      Whether to remove the popup from the DOM or just to hide it. This parameter may be a boolean or a callback function that gets invoked after the popup has been removed from the DOM.

    • Optional fadeOut: boolean

      Whether to use a fade-out animation to make the popup disappear gradually.

    Returns any

    An interval id that you can use to suspend the fade-out animation.


  • Performs HTTP requests.

    Use the success method to obtain the result of the request which is provided in the callback's XMLHttpRequest parameter. For example, the code below uses the httpRequest method to retrieve a list of customers from an OData service:

    import { httpRequest } from '@mescius/wijmo';
    httpRequest('https://services.odata.org/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Customers?$format=json', {
      success: xhr => {
        let response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText),
            customers = response.value;
        // do something with the customers...


    Returns XMLHttpRequest

    The XMLHttpRequest object used to perform the request.


  • isArray(value: any): boolean
  • Determines whether an object is an Array.


    • value: any

      Value to test.

    Returns boolean


  • isBoolean(value: any): boolean
  • Determines whether an object is a Boolean.


    • value: any

      Value to test.

    Returns boolean


  • isDate(value: any): boolean
  • Determines whether an object is a Date.


    • value: any

      Value to test.

    Returns boolean


  • isEmpty(obj: any): boolean
  • Determines whether an object is empty (contains no enumerable properties).


    • obj: any

      Object to test.

    Returns boolean


  • isFunction(value: any): boolean
  • Determines whether an object is a function.


    • value: any

      Value to test.

    Returns boolean


  • isInt(value: any): boolean
  • Determines whether an object is an integer.


    • value: any

      Value to test.

    Returns boolean


  • isNullOrWhiteSpace(value: string): boolean
  • Determines whether a string is null, empty, or whitespace only.


    • value: string

      Value to test.

    Returns boolean


  • isNumber(value: any): boolean
  • Determines whether an object is a number.


    • value: any

      Value to test.

    Returns boolean


  • isObject(value: any): boolean
  • Determines whether a value is an object (as opposed to a value type, an array, or a Date).


    • value: any

      Value to test.

    Returns boolean


  • isPrimitive(value: any): boolean
  • Determines whether an object is a primitive type (string, number, Boolean, or Date).


    • value: any

      Value to test.

    Returns boolean


  • isString(value: any): boolean
  • Determines whether an object is a string.


    • value: any

      Value to test.

    Returns boolean


  • isUndefined(value: any): boolean
  • Determines whether an object is undefined.


    • value: any

      Value to test.

    Returns boolean


  • isWritable<T>(obj: T, key: keyof T): boolean
  • Checks if given property of an object is writable

    Type parameters

    • T: Object


    • obj: T

      Object whose property needs to check

    • key: keyof T

      property that needs to be checked

    Returns boolean

    true if property is writable otherwise false


  • mouseToPage(e: any): Point
  • Converts mouse or touch event arguments into a Point in page coordinates.


    • e: any

    Returns Point


  • moveFocus(parent: HTMLElement, offset: number): boolean
  • Moves the focus to the next/previous/first focusable child within a given parent element.


    • parent: HTMLElement

      Parent element.

    • offset: number

      Offset to use when moving the focus (use zero to focus on the first focusable child).

    Returns boolean

    True if the focus was set, false if a focusable element was not found.


  • removeChild(e: Node): Node
  • Safely removes an element from the DOM tree.


    • e: Node

      Element to remove from the DOM tree.

    Returns Node


  • removeClass(e: Element, className: string): void
  • Removes a class from an element.


    • e: Element

      Element that will have the class removed.

    • className: string

      Class (or space-separated list of classes) to remove from the element.

    Returns void


  • saveFile(content: string | Blob, fileName: string, type?: string): void
  • Saves content to a file.


    • content: string | Blob

      A string or a Blob object to be saved to a file.

    • fileName: string

      Name of the file to save, including extension.

    • Optional type: string

      Optional file MIME type, used if the content argument is a string.

      The saveFile method can be used to create text files (txt, csv, html) as well as image files.

      For example, this code saves the current selection of a FlexGrid to a CSV file:

      import { saveFile } from '@mescius/wijmo';
      const clipString = theGrid.getClipString(null, true, true, false);
      saveFile(clipString, 'grid.csv', 'text/csv');

      And this code saves the content of a canvas element to a JPG file:

      import { saveFile } from '@mescius/wijmo';
      canvas.toBlob(blob => {
         saveFile(blob, 'image.jpg');
      }, 'image/jpeg');

    Returns void


  • setAriaLabel(e: Element, value?: string): void
  • Sets or clears an element's aria-label attribute.


    • e: Element

      Element that will be updated.

    • Optional value: string

      Value of the aria label, or null to remove the label from the element.

    Returns void


  • setAttribute(e: Element, name: string, value?: any, keep?: boolean): void
  • Sets or clears an attribute on an element.


    • e: Element

      Element that will be updated.

    • name: string

      Name of the attribute to add or remove.

    • Optional value: any

      Value of the attribute, or null to remove the attribute from the element.

    • Optional keep: boolean

      Whether to keep original attribute if present.

    Returns void


  • setChecked(cb: HTMLInputElement, checked: boolean): void
  • Sets the checked and indeterminate properties of a checkbox input element.


    • cb: HTMLInputElement

      Checkbox element.

    • checked: boolean

      True, false, or null for checked, unchecked, or indeterminate.

    Returns void


  • setCss(e: any, css: any): void
  • Modifies the style of an element by applying the properties specified in an object.


    • e: any

      Element or array of elements whose style will be modified.

    • css: any

      Object containing the style properties to apply to the element.

    Returns void


  • setLicenseKey(licenseKey: string): void
  • Sets the license key that identifies licensed Wijmo applications.

    If you do not set the license key, Wijmo will run in evaluation mode, adding a watermark element to the page.

    Licensed users may obtain keys at the My Account section of the Wijmo site.

    Note that Wijmo does not send keys or any licensing information to any servers. It only checks the internal consistency of the key provided.


    • licenseKey: string

      String containing the license key to use in this application.

    Returns void


  • setSelectionRange(e: any, start: number, end?: number, needFocus?: boolean): boolean
  • Sets the start and end positions of a selection in a text field.

    This method is similar to the native setSelectionRange method in HTMLInputElement objects, except it checks for conditions that may cause exceptions (element not in the DOM, disabled, or hidden).


    • e: any

      HTMLInputElement or HTMLTextAreaElement to select.

    • start: number

      Offset into the text field for the start of the selection.

    • Optional end: number

      Offset into the text field for the end of the selection.

    • Optional needFocus: boolean

    Returns boolean


  • setText(e: HTMLElement, text: string): void
  • Sets the text content of an element.


    • e: HTMLElement

      Element that will have its content updated.

    • text: string

      Plain text to be assigned to the element.

    Returns void


  • showPopup(popup: HTMLElement, ref?: any, position?: PopupPosition | Boolean, fadeIn?: boolean, copyStyles?: any, hideOnScroll?: Function): any
  • Shows an element as a popup.

    The popup element becomes a child of the body element, and is positioned with respect to reference rectangle according to the given PopupPosition.

    The reference rectangle may be specified as one of the following:

    The bounding rectangle of the element.
    The bounding rectangle of the event's target element.
    The given rectangle.
    No reference rectangle; the popup is centered on the window.

    Call the hidePopup method to hide the popup.


    • Element to show as a popup.

    • Optional ref: any

      Reference element or rectangle used to position the popup.

    • Optional position: PopupPosition | Boolean

      Position of the popup with respect to the reference element.

    • Optional fadeIn: boolean

      Use a fade-in animation to make the popup appear gradually.

    • Optional copyStyles: any

      Whether to copy font and color styles from the reference element, or an element to use as the style source.

    • Optional hideOnScroll: Function

      An optional function called when the popup is hidden as a result of a parent element scrolling.

    Returns any

    An interval ID that can be used to suspend the fade-in animation.


  • toFixed(value: number, prec: number, truncate: boolean): number
  • Rounds or truncates a number to a specified precision.


    • value: number

      Value to round or truncate.

    • prec: number

      Number of decimal digits for the result.

    • truncate: boolean

      Whether to truncate or round the original value.

    Returns number


  • toHeaderCase(text: string): string
  • Converts a camel-cased string into a header-type string by capitalizing the first letter and adding spaces before uppercase characters preceded by lower-case characters.

    For example, 'somePropertyName' becomes 'Some Property Name'.


    • text: string

      String to convert to header case.

    Returns string


  • toPlainText(html: string): string
  • Converts an HTML string into plain text.


    • html: string

      HTML string to convert to plain text.

    Returns string

    A plain-text version of the string.


  • toggleClass(e: Element, className: string, addOrRemove?: boolean): void
  • Adds or removes a class to or from an element.


    • e: Element

      Element that will have the class added.

    • className: string

      Class to add or remove.

    • Optional addOrRemove: boolean

      Whether to add or remove the class. If not provided, toggle the class.

    Returns void


  • tryCast(value: any, type: any): any
  • Casts a value to a type if possible.


    • value: any

      Value to cast.

    • type: any

      Type or interface name to cast to.

    Returns any

    The value passed in if the cast was successful, null otherwise.


  • uidGenerator(): string
  • Creates an unique id

    Returns string