소개 | OverView

FlexGrid는 빠르고 유연하며 자바스크립트 DataGrid와 친숙합니다. 핵심 그리드 모듈은 일반적인 기능이 모두 포함되어 있습니다. 더 나아가 확장 기능과 그리드 사용자 정의가 가능한 유연한 API도 포함되어 있습니다.

이 샘플은 정렬, 그룹화, 검색, Excel과 유사한 필터링, DataMaps, 사용자 정의 CellTemplates, 스파크라인, 리치 편집, Excel/PDF 내보내기, 유효성검사, DetailRows와 같은 FlexGrid의 많은 기능을 보여 줍니다.

데이터 항목 수를 변경하여 대규모 데이터 집합을 사용하더라고 그리드가 어떻게 빠르게 유지되는지 알아봅시다. FlexGrid는 행과 열을 자동으로 가상화하여 높은 수준의 성능을 달성하였습니다.

import 'bootstrap.css'; import '@mescius/wijmo.styles/wijmo.css'; import './styles.css'; // import '@mescius/wijmo.touch'; import * as wjcCore from '@mescius/wijmo'; import * as wjcGrid from '@mescius/wijmo.grid'; import * as wjcGridFilter from '@mescius/wijmo.grid.filter'; import * as wjcGridSearch from '@mescius/wijmo.grid.search'; import * as wjcGridGroupPanel from '@mescius/wijmo.grid.grouppanel'; import * as wjcInput from '@mescius/wijmo.input'; import { CellMaker, SparklineMarkers } from '@mescius/wijmo.grid.cellmaker'; import { KeyValue, Country, DataService } from './data'; import { ExportService } from './export'; // class App { constructor(dataSvc, exportSvc) { this._itemsCount = 500; this._lastId = this._itemsCount; this._dataSvc = dataSvc; this._exportSvc = exportSvc; // initializes data maps this._productMap = this._buildDataMap(this._dataSvc.getProducts()); this._countryMap = new wjcGrid.DataMap(this._dataSvc.getCountries(), 'id', 'name'); this._colorMap = this._buildDataMap(this._dataSvc.getColors()); // initializes cell templates this._historyCellTemplate = CellMaker.makeSparkline({ markers: SparklineMarkers.High | SparklineMarkers.Low, maxPoints: 25, label: 'price history', }); this._ratingCellTemplate = CellMaker.makeRating({ range: [1, 5], label: 'rating' }); // initializes data size document.getElementById('itemsCount').addEventListener('change', (e) => { const value = e.target.value; this._itemsCount = wjcCore.changeType(value, wjcCore.DataType.Number); this._handleItemsCountChange(); }); // initializes export const btnExportToExcel = document.getElementById('btnExportToExcel'); this._excelExportContext = new ExcelExportContext(btnExportToExcel); btnExportToExcel.addEventListener('click', () => { this._exportToExcel(); }); document.getElementById('btnExportToPdf').addEventListener('click', () => { this._exportToPdf(); }); // initializes the grid this._initializeGrid(); // initializes items source this._itemsSource = this._createItemsSource(); this._theGrid.itemsSource = this._itemsSource; } close() { const ctx = this._excelExportContext; this._exportSvc.cancelExcelExport(ctx); } _initializeGrid() { // creates the grid this._theGrid = new wjcGrid.FlexGrid('#theGrid', { autoGenerateColumns: false, allowAddNew: true, allowDelete: true, allowPinning: wjcGrid.AllowPinning.SingleColumn, newRowAtTop: true, showMarquee: true, selectionMode: wjcGrid.SelectionMode.MultiRange, validateEdits: false, columns: [ { binding: 'id', header: 'ID', width: 70, isReadOnly: true }, { binding: 'date', header: 'Date', format: 'MMM d yyyy', isRequired: false, width: 130, editor: new wjcInput.InputDate(document.createElement('div'), { format: 'MM/dd/yyyy', isRequired: false }) }, { binding: 'countryId', header: 'Country', dataMap: this._countryMap, width: 145, cellTemplate: (ctx) => { const dataItem = ctx.row.dataItem; if (wjcCore.isUndefined(dataItem) || dataItem === null) { return ''; } const country = this._getCountry(ctx.item); return `<span class="flag-icon flag-icon-${country.flag}"></span> ${country.name}`; } }, { binding: 'price', header: 'Price', format: 'c', isRequired: false, width: 100 }, { binding: 'history', header: 'History', width: 180, align: 'center', allowSorting: false, cellTemplate: this._historyCellTemplate }, { binding: 'change', header: 'Change', align: 'right', width: 115, cellTemplate: (ctx) => { const dataItem = ctx.row.dataItem; if (wjcCore.isUndefined(dataItem) || dataItem === null) { return ''; } const cls = this._getChangeCls(ctx.value); const value = this._formatChange(ctx.value); return `<span class="${cls}">${value}</span>`; } }, { binding: 'rating', header: 'Rating', width: 180, align: 'center', cssClass: 'cell-rating', cellTemplate: this._ratingCellTemplate }, { binding: 'time', header: 'Time', format: 'HH:mm', isRequired: false, width: 95, editor: new wjcInput.InputTime(document.createElement('div'), { format: 'HH:mm', isRequired: false }) }, { binding: 'colorId', header: 'Color', dataMap: this._colorMap, width: 145, cellTemplate: (ctx) => { const dataItem = ctx.row.dataItem; if (wjcCore.isUndefined(dataItem) || dataItem === null) { return ''; } const color = this._getColor(ctx.item); return `<span class="color-tile" style="background: ${color.value}"></span> ${color.value}`; } }, { binding: 'productId', header: 'Product', dataMap: this._productMap, width: 145 }, { binding: 'discount', header: 'Discount', format: 'p0', width: 130 }, { binding: 'active', header: 'Active', width: 100 } ] }); // create the grid search box new wjcGridSearch.FlexGridSearch('#theSearch', { placeholder: 'Search', grid: this._theGrid, cssMatch: '' }); // adds Excel-like filter new wjcGridFilter.FlexGridFilter(this._theGrid, { filterColumns: [ 'id', 'date', 'time', 'countryId', 'productId', 'colorId', 'price', 'change', 'discount', 'rating', 'active' ] }); // adds group panel new wjcGridGroupPanel.GroupPanel('#theGroupPanel', { placeholder: 'Drag columns here to create groups', grid: this._theGrid }); } _getCountry(item) { const country = this._countryMap.getDataItem(item.countryId); return country ? country : Country.NotFound; } _getColor(item) { const color = this._colorMap.getDataItem(item.colorId); return color ? color : KeyValue.NotFound; } _getChangeCls(value) { if (wjcCore.isNumber(value)) { if (value > 0) { return 'change-up'; } if (value < 0) { return 'change-down'; } } return ''; } _formatChange(value) { if (wjcCore.isNumber(value)) { return wjcCore.Globalize.formatNumber(value, 'c'); } if (!wjcCore.isUndefined(value) && value !== null) { return wjcCore.changeType(value, wjcCore.DataType.String); } return ''; } _exportToExcel() { const ctx = this._excelExportContext; if (!ctx.exporting) { this._exportSvc.startExcelExport(this._theGrid, ctx); } else { this._exportSvc.cancelExcelExport(ctx); } } _exportToPdf() { this._exportSvc.exportToPdf(this._theGrid, { countryMap: this._countryMap, colorMap: this._colorMap, historyCellTemplate: this._historyCellTemplate }); } _createItemsSource() { const data = this._dataSvc.getData(this._itemsCount); const view = new wjcCore.CollectionView(data, { getError: (item, prop) => { const displayName = this._theGrid.columns.getColumn(prop).header; return this._dataSvc.validate(item, prop, displayName); } }); view.collectionChanged.addHandler((s, e) => { // initializes new added item with a history data if (e.action === wjcCore.NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add) { e.item.history = this._dataSvc.getHistoryData(); e.item.id = this._lastId; this._lastId++; } }); return view; } _disposeItemsSource(itemsSource) { if (itemsSource) { itemsSource.collectionChanged.removeAllHandlers(); } } // build a data map from a string array using the indices as keys _buildDataMap(items) { const map = []; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { map.push({ key: i, value: items[i] }); } return new wjcGrid.DataMap(map, 'key', 'value'); } _handleItemsCountChange() { this._disposeItemsSource(this._itemsSource); this._lastId = this._itemsCount; this._itemsSource = this._createItemsSource(); this._theGrid.itemsSource = this._itemsSource; } } // class ExcelExportContext { constructor(btn) { this._exporting = false; this._progress = 0; this._preparing = false; this._btn = btn; } get exporting() { return this._exporting; } set exporting(value) { if (value !== this._exporting) { this._exporting = value; this._onPropertyChanged(); } } get progress() { return this._progress; } set progress(value) { if (value !== this._progress) { this._progress = value; this._onPropertyChanged(); } } get preparing() { return this._preparing; } set preparing(value) { if (value !== this._preparing) { this._preparing = value; this._onPropertyChanged(); } } _onPropertyChanged() { wjcCore.enable(this._btn, !this._preparing); if (this._exporting) { const percent = wjcCore.Globalize.formatNumber(this._progress, 'p0'); this._btn.textContent = `Cancel (${percent} done)`; } else { this._btn.textContent = 'Export To Excel'; } } } // document.readyState === 'complete' ? init() : window.onload = init; // function init() { const dataSvc = new DataService(); const exportSvc = new ExportService(); const app = new App(dataSvc, exportSvc); window.addEventListener('unload', () => { app.close(); }); }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <title>MESCIUS Wijmo FlexGrid Overview</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <!-- SystemJS --> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/systemjs/0.21.5/system.src.js" integrity="sha512-skZbMyvYdNoZfLmiGn5ii6KmklM82rYX2uWctBhzaXPxJgiv4XBwJnFGr5k8s+6tE1pcR1nuTKghozJHyzMcoA==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src="systemjs.config.js"></script> <script> System.import('./src/app'); </script> </head> <body> <div class="container-fluid"> <!-- filter/navigation --> <div class="row"> <!-- search box --> <div class="toolbar-item col-sm-3 col-md-5"> <div id="theSearch"></div> </div> <!-- data size --> <div class="toolbar-item col-sm-3 col-md-3"> <div class="input-group"> <span class="input-group-addon">Items:</span> <select id="itemsCount" class="form-control"> <option value="5">5</option> <option value="50">50</option> <option value="500" selected>500</option> <option value="5000">5,000</option> <option value="50000">50,000</option> <option value="100000">100,000</option> </select> </div> </div> <!-- export to Excel --> <div class="toolbar-item col-sm-3 col-md-2"> <button id="btnExportToExcel" class="btn btn-default btn-block">Export To Excel</button> </div> <!-- export to PDF --> <div class="toolbar-item col-sm-3 col-md-2"> <button id="btnExportToPdf" class="btn btn-default btn-block">Export To PDF</button> </div> </div> <!-- the grid --> <div id="theGroupPanel"></div> <div id="theGrid"></div> </div> </body> </html>
import * as wjcCore from '@mescius/wijmo'; import { RequiredValidator, MinNumberValidator, MinDateValidator, MaxNumberValidator, MaxDateValidator } from './validation'; // export class KeyValue { } KeyValue.NotFound = { key: -1, value: '' }; // export class Country { } Country.NotFound = { id: -1, name: '', flag: '' }; // export class DataService { constructor() { this._products = ['Widget', 'Gadget', 'Doohickey']; this._colors = ['Black', 'White', 'Red', 'Green', 'Blue']; this._countries = [ { id: 0, name: 'US', flag: 'us' }, { id: 1, name: 'Germany', flag: 'de' }, { id: 2, name: 'UK', flag: 'gb' }, { id: 3, name: 'Japan', flag: 'jp' }, { id: 4, name: 'Italy', flag: 'it' }, { id: 5, name: 'Greece', flag: 'gr' } ]; this._validationConfig = { 'date': [ new RequiredValidator(), new MinDateValidator(new Date('2000-01-01T00:00:00')), new MaxDateValidator(new Date('2100-01-01T00:00:00')) ], 'time': [ new RequiredValidator(), new MinDateValidator(new Date('2000-01-01T00:00:00')), new MaxDateValidator(new Date('2100-01-01T00:00:00')) ], 'productId': [ new RequiredValidator(), new MinNumberValidator(0, `{0} can't be less than {1} (${this._products[0]})`), new MaxNumberValidator(this._products.length - 1, `{0} can't be greater than {1} (${this._products[this._products.length - 1]})`) ], 'countryId': [ new RequiredValidator(), new MinNumberValidator(0, `{0} can't be less than {1} (${this._countries[0].name})`), new MaxNumberValidator(this._countries.length - 1, `{0} can't be greater than {1} (${this._countries[this._countries.length - 1].name})`) ], 'colorId': [ new RequiredValidator(), new MinNumberValidator(0, `{0} can't be less than {1} (${this._colors[0]})`), new MaxNumberValidator(this._colors.length - 1, `{0} can't be greater than {1} (${this._colors[this._colors.length - 1]})`) ], 'price': [ new RequiredValidator(), new MinNumberValidator(0, `Price can't be a negative value`) ] }; } getCountries() { return this._countries; } getProducts() { return this._products; } getColors() { return this._colors; } getHistoryData() { return this._getRandomArray(25, 100); } getData(count) { const data = []; const dt = new Date(); const year = dt.getFullYear(); const itemsCount = Math.max(count, 5); // add items for (let i = 0; i < itemsCount; i++) { const item = this._getItem(i, year); data.push(item); } // set invalid data to demonstrate errors visualization data[1].price = -2000; data[2].date = new Date('1970-01-01T00:00:00'); data[4].time = undefined; data[4].price = -1000; return data; } validate(item, prop, displayName) { const validators = this._validationConfig[prop]; if (wjcCore.isUndefined(validators)) { return ''; } const value = item[prop]; for (let i = 0; i < validators.length; i++) { const validationError = validators[i].validate(displayName, value); if (!wjcCore.isNullOrWhiteSpace(validationError)) { return validationError; } } } _getItem(i, year) { const date = new Date(year, i % 12, 25, i % 24, i % 60, i % 60); const countryIndex = this._getRandomIndex(this._countries); const productIndex = this._getRandomIndex(this._products); const colorIndex = this._getRandomIndex(this._colors); const item = { id: i, date: date, time: new Date(date.getTime() + Math.random() * 30 * (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)), countryId: this._countries[countryIndex].id, productId: productIndex, colorId: colorIndex, price: wjcCore.toFixed(Math.random() * 10000 + 5000, 2, true), change: wjcCore.toFixed(Math.random() * 1000 - 500, 2, true), history: this.getHistoryData(), discount: wjcCore.toFixed(Math.random() / 4, 2, true), rating: this._getRating(), active: i % 4 == 0, size: Math.floor(100 + Math.random() * 900), weight: Math.floor(100 + Math.random() * 900), quantity: Math.floor(Math.random() * 10), description: "Across all our software products and services, our focus is on helping our customers achieve their goals. Our key principles – thoroughly understanding our customers' business objectives, maintaining a strong emphasis on quality, and adhering to the highest ethical standards – serve as the foundation for everything we do." }; return item; } _getRating() { return Math.ceil(Math.random() * 5); } _getRandomIndex(arr) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length); } _getRandomArray(len, maxValue) { const arr = []; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { arr.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * maxValue)); } return arr; } }
@import 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/flag-icon-css/3.1.0/css/flag-icon.css'; body { font-size: 1.5em; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI Light", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif; } .toolbar-item { margin-bottom: 6px; } .wj-flexgridsearch { width: 100%; } .wj-flexgrid { height: 330px; } .wj-flexgrid .wj-cell { padding: 7px; border: none; } .wj-cell.wj-state-invalid:not(.wj-header)::after { top: -14px; border: 14px solid transparent; border-right-color: red; } .flag-icon { box-shadow: 1px 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } .color-tile { display: inline-block; position: relative; width: 1em; height: 1em; border-radius: 50%; box-shadow: 1px 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); vertical-align: middle; } .change-up { color: darkgreen; } .change-up:after { content: '\25b2'; margin-left: 0.5em; } .change-down { color: darkred; } .change-down:after { content: '\25bc'; margin-left: 0.5em; } .cell-rating { font-size: 12px; } .wj-flexgrid .wj-detail { padding: 4px 16px; } .wj-detail h3 { margin: 10px 0; }
import * as wjcCore from '@mescius/wijmo'; import * as wjcGrid from '@mescius/wijmo.grid'; import * as wjcGridPdf from '@mescius/wijmo.grid.pdf'; import * as wjcGridXlsx from '@mescius/wijmo.grid.xlsx'; import * as wjcPdf from '@mescius/wijmo.pdf'; import * as wjcXlsx from '@mescius/wijmo.xlsx'; import { KeyValue, Country } from './data'; // const ExcelExportDocName = 'FlexGrid.xlsx'; const PdfExportDocName = 'FlexGrid.pdf'; const FakeColumn = new wjcGrid.Column(); const FakeRow = new wjcGrid.Row(); // class Fonts { } Fonts.ZapfDingbatsSm = new wjcPdf.PdfFont('zapfdingbats', 8, 'normal', 'normal'); Fonts.ZapfDingbatsLg = new wjcPdf.PdfFont('zapfdingbats', 16, 'normal', 'normal'); // export class IExcelExportContext { } // export class ExportService { startExcelExport(flex, ctx) { if (ctx.preparing || ctx.exporting) { return; } ctx.exporting = false; ctx.progress = 0; ctx.preparing = true; wjcGridXlsx.FlexGridXlsxConverter.saveAsync(flex, { includeColumnHeaders: true, includeStyles: false, formatItem: this._formatExcelItem.bind(this) }, ExcelExportDocName, () => { console.log('Export to Excel completed'); this._resetExcelContext(ctx); }, err => { console.error(`Export to Excel failed: ${err}`); this._resetExcelContext(ctx); }, prg => { if (ctx.preparing) { ctx.exporting = true; ctx.preparing = false; } ctx.progress = prg / 100.; }, true); console.log('Export to Excel started'); } cancelExcelExport(ctx) { wjcGridXlsx.FlexGridXlsxConverter.cancelAsync(() => { console.log('Export to Excel canceled'); this._resetExcelContext(ctx); }); } exportToPdf(flex, options) { wjcGridPdf.FlexGridPdfConverter.export(flex, PdfExportDocName, { maxPages: 100, exportMode: wjcGridPdf.ExportMode.All, scaleMode: wjcGridPdf.ScaleMode.ActualSize, documentOptions: { pageSettings: { layout: wjcPdf.PdfPageOrientation.Landscape }, header: { declarative: { text: '\t&[Page]\\&[Pages]' } }, footer: { declarative: { text: '\t&[Page]\\&[Pages]' } } }, styles: { cellStyle: { backgroundColor: '#ffffff', borderColor: '#c6c6c6' }, altCellStyle: { backgroundColor: '#f9f9f9' }, groupCellStyle: { backgroundColor: '#dddddd' }, headerCellStyle: { backgroundColor: '#eaeaea' }, // Highlight Invalid Cells errorCellStyle: { backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)' } }, customCellContent: false, formatItem: (e) => this._formatPdfItem(e, options) }); } _formatExcelItem(e) { const panel = e.panel; if (panel.cellType !== wjcGrid.CellType.Cell) { return; } // highlight invalid cells if (panel.grid._getError(panel, e.row, e.col)) { const fill = new wjcXlsx.WorkbookFill(); fill.color = '#ff0000'; e.xlsxCell.style.fill = fill; } } _resetExcelContext(ctx) { ctx.exporting = false; ctx.progress = 0; ctx.preparing = false; } _formatPdfItem(e, options) { const panel = e.panel; if (panel.cellType !== wjcGrid.CellType.Cell) { return; } switch (panel.columns[e.col].binding) { case 'countryId': this._formatPdfCountryCell(e, options.countryMap); break; case 'colorId': this._formatPdfColorCell(e, options.colorMap); break; case 'change': this._formatPdfChangeCell(e); break; case 'history': /*** Version #1: get grid cell produced before by a cell template ***/ // const cell = e.getFormattedCell(); // this._formatPdfHistoryCell(e, cell); /*** Version #2: create fake cell from a cell template ***/ const history = e.panel.getCellData(e.row, e.col, false); const cell = this._createCellFromCellTemplate(options.historyCellTemplate, history); this._formatPdfHistoryCell(e, cell); break; case 'rating': this._formatPdfRatingCell(e); break; } } _formatPdfCountryCell(e, countryMap) { e.drawBackground(e.style.backgroundColor); // check whether country exists const countryName = e.data; if (this._isCountryExist(countryName, countryMap)) { // bound rectangle of cell's content area const contentRect = e.contentRect; // draw flag image const image = e.canvas.openImage(`resources/${countryName}.png`); const imageTop = contentRect.top + (contentRect.height - image.height) / 2; e.canvas.drawImage(image, contentRect.left, imageTop); // draw country name e.canvas.drawText(countryName, contentRect.left + image.width + 3, e.textTop); } // cancel standard cell content drawing e.cancel = true; } _formatPdfColorCell(e, colorMap) { e.drawBackground(e.style.backgroundColor); // check whether color exists const colorName = e.data; if (this._isColorExist(colorName, colorMap)) { // bound rectangle of cell's content area const contentRect = e.contentRect; // draw color indicator const imageHeight = Math.min(10, contentRect.height); const imageWidth = 1.33 * imageHeight; const imageTop = contentRect.top + (contentRect.height - imageHeight) / 2; e.canvas.paths .rect(contentRect.left, imageTop, imageWidth, imageHeight) .fillAndStroke(wjcCore.Color.fromString(colorName), wjcCore.Color.fromString('gray')); // draw color name e.canvas.drawText(colorName, contentRect.left + imageWidth + 3, e.textTop); } // cancel standard cell content drawing e.cancel = true; } _formatPdfChangeCell(e) { e.drawBackground(e.style.backgroundColor); // get change value and text const cellData = e.panel.getCellData(e.row, e.col, false); let change = 0; let changeText = ''; if (wjcCore.isNumber(cellData)) { change = cellData; changeText = wjcCore.Globalize.formatNumber(change, 'c'); } else if (!wjcCore.isUndefined(cellData) && cellData !== null) { changeText = wjcCore.changeType(cellData, wjcCore.DataType.String); } // determine whether change is positive or negative let changeIndicator = ''; let changeColor = e.style.color; if (change > 0) { changeIndicator = '\x73'; // ▲ changeColor = 'darkgreen'; } else if (change < 0) { changeIndicator = '\x74'; // ▼ changeColor = 'darkred'; } // draw change indicator let indent = 10; e.canvas.drawText(changeIndicator, e.contentRect.right - indent, e.contentRect.top + indent, { brush: changeColor, font: Fonts.ZapfDingbatsSm }); // draw change text indent += 3; e.canvas.drawText(changeText, e.contentRect.left, e.textTop, { brush: changeColor, align: wjcPdf.PdfTextHorizontalAlign.Right, width: e.contentRect.width - indent }); // cancel standard cell content drawing e.cancel = true; } _formatPdfHistoryCell(e, cell) { e.drawBackground(e.style.backgroundColor); // draw history svg const svgUrl = this._getHistorySvgDataUrlFromCell(cell, e.clientRect.width, e.clientRect.height); if (svgUrl) { let cr = e.contentRect; e.canvas.drawSvg(svgUrl, cr.left + 2, cr.top + 2, { width: cr.width - 4, height: cr.height - 4 }); } // cancel standard cell content drawing e.cancel = true; } _getHistorySvgDataUrlFromCell(cell, width, height) { let dataUrl = null; // extract SVG from provided cell const svg = cell.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0]; if (svg) { const clone = svg.cloneNode(true); clone.setAttribute('version', '1.1'); clone.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/', 'xmlns', 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'); clone.style.overflow = 'visible'; clone.style.stroke = '#376092'; clone.style.fill = '#376092'; const s = document.createElement('style'); s.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); s.innerHTML = `<![CDATA[ line { stroke-width: 2; } circle { stroke-width: 0; stroke-opacity: 0; } .wj-marker { fill: #d00000; opacity: 1; } ]]>`; const defs = document.createElement('defs'); defs.appendChild(s); clone.insertBefore(defs, clone.firstChild); const outer = document.createElement('div'); outer.appendChild(clone); dataUrl = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(outer.innerHTML))); } return dataUrl; } _formatPdfRatingCell(e) { e.drawBackground(e.style.backgroundColor); // check whether rating is defined let rating = wjcCore.changeType(e.data, wjcCore.DataType.Number); if (wjcCore.isInt(rating)) { const ratingIndicator = '\x48'; // ★ const ratingNormalColor = wjcCore.Color.fromRgba(255, 165, 0, 1); // orange const ratingLightColor = wjcCore.Color.fromRgba(255, 165, 0, 0.2); // draw rating indicators const indent = 16; const count = 5; const width = count * indent; const y = e.clientRect.top + indent; let x = e.contentRect.left + (e.contentRect.width - width) / 2; rating = wjcCore.clamp(rating, 1, count); for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { e.canvas.drawText(ratingIndicator, x, y, { brush: (i < rating) ? ratingNormalColor : ratingLightColor, font: Fonts.ZapfDingbatsLg, height: e.clientRect.height }); x += indent; } } // cancel standard cell content drawing e.cancel = true; } _isCountryExist(countryName, countryMap) { const countryId = countryMap.getKeyValue(countryName); if (wjcCore.isUndefined(countryId) || countryId === null) { return false; } if (countryId === Country.NotFound.id) { return false; } return true; } _isColorExist(colorName, colorMap) { const colorId = colorMap.getKeyValue(colorName); if (wjcCore.isUndefined(colorId) || colorId === null) { return false; } if (colorId === KeyValue.NotFound.key) { return false; } return true; } _createCellFromCellTemplate(cellTemplate, data) { const cell = document.createElement('div'); cellTemplate({ col: FakeColumn, row: FakeRow, value: data, item: null, text: null }, cell); return cell; } }
import * as wjcCore from '@mescius/wijmo'; export class RequiredValidator { validate(name, value) { const message = name + ' is required'; if (wjcCore.isUndefined(value)) { return message; } const str = wjcCore.changeType(value, wjcCore.DataType.String); if (wjcCore.isNullOrWhiteSpace(str)) { return message; } return ''; } } export class MinValueValidator { constructor(minValue, message = '{0} can\'t be less than {1}', format = null) { this.minValue = minValue; this.message = message; this.format = format; } validate(name, value) { if (value < this.minValue) { return wjcCore.format(this.message, { 0: name, 1: this._formatValue(this.minValue) }); } return ''; } } export class MaxValueValidator { constructor(maxValue, message = '{0} can\'t be greater than {1}', format = null) { this.maxValue = maxValue; this.message = message; this.format = format; } validate(name, value) { if (value > this.maxValue) { return wjcCore.format(this.message, { 0: name, 1: this._formatValue(this.maxValue) }); } return ''; } } export class MinNumberValidator extends MinValueValidator { constructor(minValue, message = '{0} can\'t be less than {1}', format = 'n') { super(minValue, message, format); } _formatValue(value) { return wjcCore.Globalize.formatNumber(value, this.format); } } export class MaxNumberValidator extends MaxValueValidator { constructor(maxValue, message = '{0} can\'t be greater than {1}', format = 'n') { super(maxValue, message, format); } _formatValue(value) { return wjcCore.Globalize.formatNumber(value, this.format); } } export class MinDateValidator extends MinValueValidator { constructor(minValue, message = '{0} can\'t be less than {1}', format = 'MM/dd/yyyy') { super(minValue, message, format); } _formatValue(value) { return wjcCore.Globalize.formatDate(value, this.format); } } export class MaxDateValidator extends MaxValueValidator { constructor(maxValue, message = '{0} can\'t be greater than {1}', format = 'MM/dd/yyyy') { super(maxValue, message, format); } _formatValue(value) { return wjcCore.Globalize.formatDate(value, this.format); } }
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