이 샘플은 Web Workers를 사용하여 FlexGrid를 PDF로 내보내거나, 백그라운드 스레드에서 사용자 정의 PDF를 생성하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.
import 'bootstrap.css';
import '@mescius/wijmo.styles/wijmo.css';
import './styles.css';
import * as wijmo from '@mescius/wijmo';
import * as grid from '@mescius/wijmo.grid';
import * as chart from '@mescius/wijmo.chart';
import '@mescius/wijmo.chart.render';
import * as pdf from '@mescius/wijmo.pdf';
import * as gridPdf from '@mescius/wijmo.grid.pdf';
import { getData, getExpenses } from './data';
document.readyState === 'complete' ? init() : window.onload = init;
const docName = 'FlexGrid.pdf';
function init() {
const exportSettings = {
styles: {
cellStyle: {
backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
borderColor: '#c6c6c6'
altCellStyle: {
backgroundColor: '#f9f9f9'
groupCellStyle: {
backgroundColor: '#dddddd'
headerCellStyle: {
backgroundColor: '#eaeaea'
const data = getData(1500);
initExportGridSample(exportSettings, data);
initExportSample(exportSettings, data);
initApiSample(exportSettings, data);
function initExportGridSample(exportSettings, data) {
let flexGrid = new grid.FlexGrid('#flexGrid1', {
autoGenerateColumns: false,
selectionMode: grid.SelectionMode.ListBox,
headersVisibility: grid.HeadersVisibility.All,
columns: [
{ header: 'ID', binding: 'id' },
{ header: 'Start Date', binding: 'start', format: 'd' },
{ header: 'End Date', binding: 'end', format: 'd' },
{ header: 'Country', binding: 'country' },
{ header: 'Product', binding: 'product' },
{ header: 'Amount', binding: 'amount', format: 'c' },
{ header: 'Color', binding: 'color' },
{ header: 'Pending', binding: 'amount2', format: 'c2' },
{ header: 'Discount', binding: 'discount', format: 'p1' },
{ header: 'Active', binding: 'active' }
itemsSource: data
let ctx = {
exporting: false,
progress: 0,
preparing: false,
worker: null,
grid: flexGrid,
button: document.querySelector('#btnExport1'),
progressEl: document.querySelector('#txtProgress1')
ctx.button.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (!ctx.exporting) {
start(ctx, './export-grid', () => {
gridPdf.PdfWebWorkerClient.exportGrid(ctx.worker, flexGrid, docName, exportSettings, null, (prgVal) => {
progress(ctx, prgVal);
else {
window.addEventListener('unload', () => {
if (ctx.worker) {
ctx.worker = null;
function initExportSample(exportSettings, data) {
let flexPie = new chart.FlexPie('#flexPie', {
itemsSource: ((totals) => [
{ name: 'Hotel', value: totals.hotel },
{ name: 'Transport', value: totals.transport },
{ name: 'Meal', value: totals.meal },
{ name: 'Fuel', value: totals.fuel },
{ name: 'Misc', value: totals.Misc }
binding: 'value',
bindingName: 'name',
innerRadius: 0.75,
dataLabel: {
content: '{value:c1}',
position: chart.PieLabelPosition.Inside
let flexGrid = new grid.FlexGrid('#flexGrid2', {
autoGenerateColumns: false,
selectionMode: grid.SelectionMode.ListBox,
headersVisibility: grid.HeadersVisibility.All,
columns: [
{ header: 'ID', binding: 'id' },
{ header: 'Start Date', binding: 'start', format: 'd' },
{ header: 'End Date', binding: 'end', format: 'd' },
{ header: 'Country', binding: 'country' },
{ header: 'Product', binding: 'product' },
{ header: 'Amount', binding: 'amount', format: 'c' },
{ header: 'Color', binding: 'color' },
{ header: 'Pending', binding: 'amount2', format: 'c2' },
{ header: 'Discount', binding: 'discount', format: 'p1' },
{ header: 'Active', binding: 'active' }
itemsSource: data
let ctx = {
exporting: false,
progress: 0,
preparing: false,
worker: null,
grid: flexGrid,
button: document.querySelector('#btnExport2'),
progressEl: document.querySelector('#txtProgress2')
ctx.button.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (!ctx.exporting) {
start(ctx, './export', () => {
gridPdf.PdfWebWorkerClient.addString(ctx.worker, 'Title', 'title');
gridPdf.PdfWebWorkerClient.addImage(ctx.worker, 'resources/canada.png', 'flag', null);
flexPie.saveImageToDataUrl(chart.ImageFormat.Svg, (url) => {
gridPdf.PdfWebWorkerClient.addImage(ctx.worker, url, 'chart', null);
gridPdf.PdfWebWorkerClient.addGrid(ctx.worker, flexGrid, 'grid', exportSettings);
gridPdf.PdfWebWorkerClient.export(ctx.worker, null, (data) => pdf.saveBlob(data.blob, docName), (prgVal) => progress(ctx, prgVal));
else {
window.addEventListener('unload', () => {
if (ctx.worker) {
ctx.worker = null;
function initApiSample(exportSettings, data) {
let flexGrid = new grid.FlexGrid('#flexGrid3', {
autoGenerateColumns: false,
selectionMode: grid.SelectionMode.ListBox,
headersVisibility: grid.HeadersVisibility.All,
columns: [
{ header: 'ID', binding: 'id' },
{ header: 'Start Date', binding: 'start', format: 'd' },
{ header: 'End Date', binding: 'end', format: 'd' },
{ header: 'Country', binding: 'country' },
{ header: 'Product', binding: 'product' },
{ header: 'Amount', binding: 'amount', format: 'c' },
{ header: 'Color', binding: 'color' },
{ header: 'Pending', binding: 'amount2', format: 'c2' },
{ header: 'Discount', binding: 'discount', format: 'p1' },
{ header: 'Active', binding: 'active' }
itemsSource: data
let ctx = {
exporting: false,
progress: 0,
preparing: false,
worker: null,
grid: flexGrid,
button: document.querySelector('#btnExport3'),
progressEl: document.querySelector('#txtProgress3')
ctx.button.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (!ctx.exporting) {
start(ctx, './api', () => {
ctx.worker.addEventListener('message', (e) => {
if (e.data.type === 'progress') {
progress(ctx, e.data.value);
else {
pdf.saveBlob(new Blob([new Uint8Array(e.data.data)], { type: 'application/pdf' }), docName);
var gridData = gridPdf.PdfWebWorkerClient.serializeGrid(flexGrid, exportSettings);
// Send gridData as a tranferable object
ctx.worker.postMessage({ grid: gridData, settings: JSON.stringify(exportSettings) }, [gridData]);
else {
window.addEventListener('unload', () => {
if (ctx.worker) {
ctx.worker = null;
function start(ctx, url, ready) {
ctx.preparing = true;
ctx.progress = 0;
ctx.worker = loadWorker(url, () => ready());
function progress(ctx, progress) {
if (progress === 0 || progress === 1) {
ctx.preparing = false;
ctx.exporting = progress === 0;
ctx.progress = progress;
function cancel(ctx) {
ctx.worker = null;
ctx.exporting = false;
ctx.progress = 0;
* Creates web worker that executes the module from the specified URL.
* @param url The module URL, relative to the src/workers directory.
* @param ready
function loadWorker(url, ready) {
let worker = new Worker('src/workers/worker-loader.js');
worker.addEventListener('message', (e) => {
if (e.data === '#ready#') {
worker.postMessage({ url: url });
return worker;
function updateUI(ctx) {
ctx.grid.isDisabled = ctx.preparing;
wijmo.enable(ctx.button, !ctx.preparing);
ctx.button.textContent = ctx.exporting ? 'Cancel' : 'Export';
ctx.progressEl.textContent = (ctx.progress * 100).toFixed(1) + '%';