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This function rounds the specified number down to the nearest number, using the specified number of decimal places.


ROUNDDOWN(value, places)


Use the value argument to specify the number to round. Use the places argument to specify the number of decimal places. The places argument has these rules:

  • Set places to a value greater than zero to round to the specified number of decimal places.

  • Set places to zero to round to the nearest whole number.

  • Set places to a value less than zero to round the value left of the decimal to the nearest ten, hundred, etc.

Regardless of the sign of the number specified by the value argument, the number is rounded away from zero.


The result is always rounded down.

Data Types

Accepts numeric data for both arguments. Returns numeric data.


ROUNDDOWN(3.2,0) gives the result 3



ROUNDDOWN(3.14159,3) gives the result 3.141

ROUNDDOWN(-3.14159,1) gives the result -3.1

ROUNDDOWN(31415.92654,-2) gives the result 31400