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You can add TypeScript support to SpreadJS. TypeScript provides strongly-typed access and better information about your code.

You can download TypeScript and get additional information from the TypeScript web site, https://www.typescriptlang.org/

The TypeScript definition file for SpreadJS is located in the definition folder under the main product folder (SpreadJS\definition\GC.Spread.Sheets.d.ts).

Use the following steps to add TypeScript support to SpreadJS.

  1. Add GC.Spread.Sheets.d.ts and jquery.d.ts references to your typescript file.

    /// <reference path="path/jquery.d.ts" />
    /// <reference path="path/GC.Spread.Sheets.d.ts" />
  2. Add code to your application. Information about SpreadJS is displayed as in the following examples.