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Themes and Style

SpreadJS allows you to apply themes and styles over the pivot table to change its appearance.


SpreadJS provides 29 light, 28 medium, and 28 dark predefined themes which can be applied to a pivot table. The following image shows the light10 theme:

You can change the theme of a pivot table in one of the following ways:

  • Set the theme while adding a pivot table to the spreadsheet. Refer to the following sample code.

    var myPivotTable = sheet.pivotTables.add("myPivotTable", "tableSales", 1, 1, GC.Spread.Pivot.PivotTableLayoutType.outline, GC.Spread.Pivot.PivotTableThemes.light10);
  • Set the theme by using theme option shown below.



You can apply a pivot table style to highlight any specific data. The style method can be used to apply styles to row and column fields. The following image shows the style for column fields of a pivot table.

The following code sample shows how to apply style for column fields.

function setMarkSubtotalPivotTableStyle(pivotTable) {
    // create style to mark Qtr Total's in specific color
    let style = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Style();
    style.backColor = "#03A685";
    let subtotalLabelPivotArea = {
        labelOnly: true,
        references: [{
            fieldName: "Qt",
            subtotal: true,
            items: ["Qtr1", "Qtr2", "Qtr3", "Qtr4"]
    // set style to mark Qtr Total's in specific color
    pivotTable.setStyle(subtotalLabelPivotArea, style);
    let subtotalDataPivotArea = {
        dataOnly: true,
        references: [{
            fieldName: "Qtr",
            subtotal: true,
            items: ["Qtr1", "Qtr2", "Qtr3", "Qtr4"]
    pivotTable.setStyle(subtotalDataPivotArea, style);

The following image shows the style for row fields of a pivot table.

The following code sample shows how to apply style for row fields.

function setMarkSeattlePivotTableStyle(pivotTable) {
    // create and set style to mark row with "Seattle" City
    let seattlePivotArea = {
        references: [{
            fieldName: "City",
            items: ["Seattle"],
            applyLabel: true,
            applyData: true,
            applyGrandTotal: true,
            applySubtotal: true
    let style = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Style();
    style.backColor = "yellow";
    pivotTable.setStyle(seattlePivotArea, style);