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Camera Shape

Camera shape, as the name suggests, is a mirror image of a referenced area in a spreadsheet. It is a dynamic image, meaning that any change in the referenced region is reflected in the image as well.

Camera shapes can be moved, resized, rotated, and supported for Excel I/O. They can also be grouped or ungrouped with other shapes and copy-pasted from one sheet to another.


  • In SpreadJS, the camera shape does not capture any pictures, shapes, or charts present in the specified cell range.

  • It does not support text editing, text formatting, or adjustment capabilities.

Note: When a camera shape containing a picture, shape, or chart is exported to Excel, the SpreadJS unsupported objects (pictures, shapes, or charts) are displayed in Excel.

Usage Scenario

Consider an example where the sales data of different products across a supermarket is maintained to analyze the sales trends. The data for different product categories like Fruits, Vegetables, Bakery, Meat, etc. are maintained in different worksheets of a spreadsheet.

The summarized monthly sales data is displayed on a consolidated 'Dashboard' worksheet which shows camera shapes for the products' sales across different product categories. Any change made to the sales data is reflected in the 'Dashboard' sheet as well.

// Get the sheets
var sheetDashboard = spread.sheets[0];
var sheet1 = spread.sheets[1];
var sheet2 = spread.sheets[2];
var sheet3 = spread.sheets[3];
var sheet4 = spread.sheets[4];
// Set sheet names

// Set sheetAreaOffset option
sheetDashboard.options.sheetAreaOffset = { left: 1, top: 1 };
// Hide gridlines
sheetDashboard.options.gridline = { showVerticalGridline: false, showHorizontalGridline: false };
// Hide column & row headers
sheetDashboard.options.colHeaderVisible = false;
sheetDashboard.options.rowHeaderVisible = false;
// Clear the cell selection and change selectionBordercolor
sheetDashboard.options.selectionBorderColor = "transparent";

// Add camera shapes in Dashboard sheet
var CameraShape1 = sheetDashboard.shapes.addCameraShape("CameraShape1", "Fruits!A1:C8", 30, 45, 340, 330);
var CameraShape2 = sheetDashboard.shapes.addCameraShape("CameraShape2", "Vegetables!A1:C7", 440, 45, 340, 330);
var CameraShape3 = sheetDashboard.shapes.addCameraShape("CameraShape3", "Meat!A1:C6", 30, 400, 340, 330);
var CameraShape4 = sheetDashboard.shapes.addCameraShape("CameraShape4", "Bakery!A1:C8", 440, 400, 340, 330);