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Release Notes for Version 3.20141.9

Changes from the Previous Release

This version of the product has the following changes.

  • The wordWrap method no longer requires Alt+Enter or a hard line break.

  • Navigating with the tab strip skips hidden sheets.

  • The EditEnd event has been changed to EditEnded.

  • The addKeyMap and removeKeyMap methods have additional options.

Enhancements from the Previous Release

The following features have been added with this version of the product.

  • Widget Features

    • Touch Support

    • Culture Options

    • Named Styles

    • Additional Designer Options

  • Sheet Features

    • Pictures

    • Structured Reference Formulas in Tables

  • Cell Features

    • Tab Stop

    • Fraction Format Support

    • Text Decoration

  • Excel Import and Export Service

    • PDF Export

    • DoNotRecalculateAfterLoad Option in ExcelOpenFlags Enumeration

  • Methods and Properties

    • Sheet Visible Method

  • Events

    • EditEnding Event