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Release Notes for Version 8.40.20151.0

Enhancements from the Previous Release

The following features have been added with this version of the product.

  • Support for the bootstrap theme has been added.

  • Widget Features

Changes from the Previous Release

This version of the product has the following changes.

  • The namespace has been changed from $.wijmo.wijspread to GcSpread.Sheets.

  • The wijspread name has been changed to gcspread-sheets for Knockout and AngularJS.

  • The useWijmoTheme property is no longer required.

  • The TypeScript definition file has been changed to gcspread.sheets.d.ts.

Resolved Issues

The following issues have been resolved since the last release.

  • Drop-down lists now display correctly in Microsoft Internet Explorer 9. [114100]

  • The outline view is now correctly exported to Excel-formatted files. [113961]

  • Certain Excel-formatted files with formulas now load correctly in the SpreadJS Designer. [113531]

  • The sheet order is now correct after importing files in the Designer. [113246]

  • Certain formulas now work correctly with arrays. [113198]

  • The fillRange property in the DragFillBlock event now works correctly. [113031]