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Set Era Format

You can specify format settings for the era if the culture has been set to "ja-jp".

The following table lists the format options and the Japanese and English culture equivalents.


Japanese Culture

English Culture


Display the era name in the alphabet (M, T, S, H, R)


Display the first character (DBCS) era (明, 大, 昭, 平, 令)


Display the full (DBCS) era (明治, 大正, 昭和, 平成, 令和)

gggg (plus any additional "g" characters)

Same as "ggg"


Display the nengo year as a single-digit number when possible (1-??)

Same as "y"


Display the nengo year as a two-digit number when possible (01-??)

Same as "yy"

eee (plus any additional "e" characters)

Same as "ee"

Same as "yyyy"


Same as 'e' when after 'g'; otherwise, same as en culture

Display the year as a number without a leading zero (0 - 99)


Same as 'ee' when after 'g'; otherwise, same as en culture

Display the year as a number with a leading zero (00 - 99)


Same as 'ee' when after 'g'; otherwise, same as en culture

Display the year as a number without a leading zero (1 - 9999)


Same as 'ee' when after 'g'; otherwise, same as en culture

Same as "yyy"

The following code sample sets the era formatting.

GC.Spread.Common.CultureInfo.eras = [
    {name: "明治", abbreviation: "明", symbol: "M", startDate: "1868-09-08", shortcuts: "1,M"},
    {name: "大正", abbreviation: "大", symbol: "T", startDate: "1912-07-30", shortcuts: "2,T"},
    {name: "昭和", abbreviation: "昭", symbol: "S", startDate: "1926-12-25", shortcuts: "3,S"},
    {name: "平成", abbreviation: "平", symbol: "H", startDate: "1989-01-08", shortcuts: "4,H"},
    {name: "令和", abbreviation: "令", symbol: "R", startDate: "2019-05-01", shortcuts: "5,R"}

SpreadJS supports [$-ja-JP-x-gannen] formatter to display the first year as "元" and [$-411]ggg e formatter to display the first year as "1". This can be explained using the below example:





[$-ja-JP-x-gannen]ggg e"年"m"月"d"日"

令和 年12月1日


[$-411]ggg e"年"m"月"d"日"

令和 1年12月1日

The following code sample formats a date in a cell.

// initializing Spread
var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById('ss'), { sheetCount: 1 });
// get the activesheet
var activeSheet = spread.getActiveSheet();
var date1 = new Date(1989, 1, 8, 2, 3, 7, 325);
var date2 = new Date(2019, 8, 1, 6, 2, 8, 321);
var date3 = new Date(2020, 7, 1, 2, 1, 5, 311);

activeSheet.setValue(0, 0, '[$-411]ggge"年"m"月"d"日" 午前/午後');
activeSheet.setValue(0, 1, date1);
// set formatter for Cell[0,1]
activeSheet.setFormatter(0, 1, '[$-411]ggge"年"m"月"d"日" 午前/午後');

activeSheet.setValue(1, 0, '[$-ja-JP-x-gannen]ggg e"年"m"月"d"日"');
activeSheet.setValue(1, 1, date2);
// set formatter for Cell[1,1]
activeSheet.setFormatter(1, 1, '[$-ja-JP-x-gannen]ggg e"年"m"月"d"日"');

activeSheet.setValue(2, 0, '[$-411]ggg e"年"m"月"d"日"');
activeSheet.setValue(2, 1, date2);
// set formatter for Cell[2,1]
activeSheet.setFormatter(2, 1, '[$-411]ggg e"年"m"月"d"日"');

activeSheet.setValue(3, 0, '[$-ja-JP-x-gannen]ggg e"年"mm"月"dd"日"');
activeSheet.setValue(3, 1, date3);
// set formatter for Cell[3,1]
activeSheet.setFormatter(3, 1, '[$-ja-JP-x-gannen]ggg e"年"mm"月"dd"日"');

// set column width
activeSheet.setColumnWidth(0, 300.0, GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea.viewport);
activeSheet.setColumnWidth(1, 200.0, GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea.viewport);