You can change the active cell or select cells with the mouse or keyboard keys. You can also use keyboard keys to make changes to the cell data.
The end-user can use the following default, keyboard keys:
Ctrl+Z |
Ctrl+Y |
Ctrl + Down |
Down |
End |
Ctrl+Right |
Ctrl+Home |
Home |
Ctrl+Left |
Ctrl+End |
Left |
Tab |
PageDown |
PageUp |
Ctrl+PageUp |
Ctrl+PageDown |
Shift+Tab |
Right |
Ctrl+Up |
Up |
Delete |
Back |
Enter |
Shift+Enter |
Shift+Left |
Shift+Right |
Shift+Up |
Shift+Down |
Shift+Home |
Ctrl+Shift+Left |
Shift+End |
Ctrl+Shift+Right |
Shift+PageUp |
Shift+PageDown |
Ctrl+Shift+Up |
Ctrl+Shift+Down |
Ctrl+Shift+Home |
Ctrl+Shift+End |
Ctrl+C |
Ctrl+X |
Ctrl+V |
Alt+Enter |
Note: The Ctrl+PageUp and Ctrl+PageDown keyboard shortcuts only work when there is no conflict with the host environment.
Additional information about copy and paste actions using keyboard shortcuts.
SpreadJS does not have direct access to the system clipboard.
When using Ctrl+C to copy in SpreadJS, it will perform both outside copy and internal copy.
When using Ctrl+V to paste in SpreadJS, it will decide whether to do outside paste or internal paste.
When using the context menu or the command manager, SpreadJS always does internal copy and internal paste because it cannot access the system clipboard.
SpreadJS supports some additional keyboard shortcut commands. These shortcuts can be included in your project as an extension by downloading and using the Keyboard Shortcuts project available here. You can also add custom shortcuts based on this project.
Shift + Space |
Ctrl + Space |
Ctrl + "-" |
Ctrl + 9 |
Ctrl + [ |
Ctrl + ] |
Ctrl + ; |
Alt + = |
Alt + Shift + Right Arrow |
Alt + Shift + Left Arrow |
Alt + ; |
Ctrl + D |
Ctrl + R |
Ctrl + Shift + "+" |
Ctrl + A |
Ctrl + B |
Ctrl + I |
Ctrl + U |
Ctrl + Shift + % |