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Customize Scrollbar

SpreadJS provides two types of scrollbars:

  • Classic Scrollbar (Skin appearance)

  • Customizable Scrollbar (Mobile appearance)

The default scrollbar is the classic scrollbar which can be referred here

. However, you can change the classic scrollbar to customizable one by setting ScrollbarAppearance enumeration to mobile . The customization of scrollbar includes various options, such as color, border, cap, hover, auto fade etc. These customizations in mobile appearance can be used to match a website's theme or specific style of a webpage.

The mobile appearance displays four states of a scrollbar as explained below:

  • Hide : The scrollbar hides itself when the mouse is moved away from it, after a few seconds.

  • Normal : The scrollbar appears in normal state for a few seconds when the mouse is moved away from it. Other actions which display normal state are mouse wheel, traversing cells by keyboard, changing cell selection and sliding by touch.

  • Hover : The scrollbar width and color changes in hover state which occurs when mouse is hovered over the scrollbar.

  • Active : The active state of scrollbar occurs when the scrollbar is clicked and dragged in any direction. The scrollbar width, color and boundary changes as compared to normal state.

SpreadJS applies a special state of mobile appearance when the mouse enters a spread host:

  • spread-hovering : The scrollbar applies Normal and Hide states.

The difference between mobile and skin appearance of scrollbar has been explained below:

Scrollbar Behavior

Skin Apearance

Mobile Appearance

Scrollable Area and Visibility

Gets affected by tab strip

Does not get affected by tab strip

Arrows and Span



Note: In mobile appearance, the scrollbar ignores any frozen rows or columns.

Using Code

This example shows how to set the scrollbar appearance to mobile by using code.

// Set scrollbarAppearance to mobile
 spread.options.scrollbarAppearance = GC.Spread.Sheets.ScrollbarAppearance.mobile;

You can also customize the scrollbar style by using class names and styles as shown in below code:

 .gc-scroll-mobile-container {
       border-radius: 8px;

   .gc-scroll-mobile-thumb {
       border-radius: 8px;
       border: none;
       background-color: skyblue;
       background-image: linear-gradient( 45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent );

   .gc-scroll-mobile-state-active .gc-scroll-mobile-thumb {
       border: none;
       background-color: skyblue;
       background-image: linear-gradient( 45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent );

The output of above code will display the scrollbar as below:

Please follow the below mentioned styles in corresponding class names to customize the appearance of scrollbar.

/* The recommended styles are in the {}. */

/* Scrollbar Container (Normal State) */
.gc-scroll-mobile-container { border-radius, opacity, padding }          /* The common style for scrollbar */
.gc-scroll-mobile-container-vertical { width }                           /* The style for vertical scrollbar */
.gc-scroll-mobile-container-horizontal { height }                        /* The style for horizontal scrollbar */

/* Scrollbar Thumb (Normal State) */
.gc-scroll-mobile-thumb { background, border, border-radius, opacity }   /* The style for scrollbar thumb */

/* Scrollbar Track (Normal State) */
.gc-scroll-mobile-track { background, border, border-radius, opacity }   /* The style for scrollbar track */

/* Combo class name, Add to Scrollbar Container */
.gc-scroll-mobile-spread-hovering                                        /* The style for scrollbar elements when mouse enter into spread host */
.gc-scroll-mobile-state-hide                                             /* The hide state style for scrollbar elements */
.gc-scroll-mobile-state-hover                                            /* The hover state style for scrollbar elements */
.gc-scroll-mobile-state-active                                           /* The active state style for scrollbar elements */

You can also set the mobile scrollbar in SpreadJS designer as shown below: