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Pivot Table Timeline Slicer

Timeline slicers are interactive filters that allow you to filter data quickly by date, month, year, and quarter. A visual interface is provided with controllers to help you zoom in and out on any period to view and filter the pivot data.

The timeline slicer only works on date fields of a pivot table using a label condition filter. It can be added to a pivot table using the Slicers.add class method. Set PivotTimeline as the slicer type and apply TimelineLevel enumeration options such as years, quarters, months, and dates to specify how to filter the data in a slicer.

The PivotTableTimelineSlicer class provides various methods to customize the slicer UI.

Use Case Scenario

Consider the example where the food sales company selling food and beverage products wants to display the sales data of products across various quarters of a year.

The timeline slicer can help in analyzing the data based on the period as illustrated in the GIF below.

// Add timeline slicers for year, quarter, month filters
var timeline_year = sheet.slicers.add("timeline_year", pt.name(), "OrderDate", GC.Spread.Sheets.Slicers.TimelineStyles.dark6(), GC.Spread.Sheets.Slicers.SlicerType.pivotTimeline);
timeline_year.position(new GC.Spread.Sheets.Point(600, 10));

var timeline_quarter = sheet.slicers.add("timeline_quarter", pt.name(), "OrderDate", GC.Spread.Sheets.Slicers.TimelineStyles.dark1(), GC.Spread.Sheets.Slicers.SlicerType.pivotTimeline);
timeline_quarter.position(new GC.Spread.Sheets.Point(600, 130));

var timeline_month = sheet.slicers.add("timeline_month", pt.name(), "OrderDate", GC.Spread.Sheets.Slicers.TimelineStyles.light4(), GC.Spread.Sheets.Slicers.SlicerType.pivotTimeline);
timeline_month.position(new GC.Spread.Sheets.Point(600, 290));

Select Slicer Items Using Designer

In the SpreadJS Designer, the following actions can be performed to select pivot table slicer items:

  • Actions: Click/Drag

  • Modes: Single/Multi

  • Additional keys: Ctrl/Shift/None

Parameter (Action + Mode + Key)


click + single + none

Selects the clicked item.

click + single + ctrl

click + multi + none

click + multi + ctrl

Switches the clicked item's selection status.

click + single + shift

Sets the selection range from start point to click item index. Items in the range remain selected, others remain unselected.

click + multi + shift

drag + multi + shift

Sets the selection range from start point to click item index, and sets selection status to true. (Never False)

drag + single + none

Sets the dragged items status to true, others to false.

drag + single + ctrl

drag + multi + none

drag + multi + ctrl

Switches the dragged item's selection status.

drag + single + shift

Sets the selection range from start point to drag end item index.

Items in the range are selected.