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Customize File Menu

Follow the below steps to add a new item to the Designer Component File Menu.

  1. Get the File Menu panel template using the getTemplate method.

    var fileMenuTemplate = GC.Spread.Sheets.Designer.getTemplate(GC.Spread.Sheets.Designer.TemplateNames.FileMenuPanelTemplate);
  2. Modify the File Menu panel template to add a custom item and related options.

    var listContainer = fileMenuTemplate["content"][0]["children"][0]["children"][0]["children"][0]["children"][1];
    listContainer.items.push({ text: "Info", value: "CustomItem" });
    var listDisplayContainer = fileMenuTemplate["content"][0]["children"][0]["children"][1];
        type: "Container",
        visibleWhen: "activeCategory_main=CustomItem",
        children: [
                type: "TextBlock",
                margin: "50px 0 15px 50px",
                text: "Info",
                style: "font-size:36px;line-heigth:80px"
                type: "ColumnSet",
                margin: "0 0 0 50px",
                children: [
                        type: "Column",
                        children: [
                                type: "List",
                                className: "file-menu-list",
                                items: [
                                        text: "SpreadJS Version xx.x",
                                        value: "item1"
                                    { text: "Release Date: September 22", value: "Item2" },
                                    { text: "Author: GrapeCity Inc.", value: "Item3" }
                                bindingPath: ""
                        width: "350px"
  3. Register the modified template using the registerTemplate method.

    GC.Spread.Sheets.Designer.registerTemplate(GC.Spread.Sheets.Designer.TemplateNames.FileMenuPanelTemplate, fileMenuTemplate);
  4. Initialize the designer instance by passing the relevant config parameter for customizable configuration.

    // Initialize the designer instance
    var designer = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Designer.Designer(document.getElementById("designerHost"));

The below output will be generated: