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Display N/A Cells in Chart

SpreadJS provides support to display #N/A cells as empty cells in charts. The displayNaNAsBlank property in SpreadJS API, when set to true, considers the cells containing #N/A values as empty cells.

When displayNaNAsBlank is set to true, the display of empty cells, when plotted on a chart depends on the value of the displayBlanksAs method. It can have three values:

  • Connected - #N/A values are shown as 'connected' in the chart

  • Gaps - #N/A values are shown as 'gaps' in the chart

  • Zero - #N/A values are shown as 'zero' in the chart

For more information on how empty cells are displayed in a chart, please refer to Display Empty Cells in Chart.

The below screenshot depicts a chart created from data containing #N/A cells which are displayed as gaps.

However, when displayNaNAsBlank is set to false, the #N/A values are displayed depending on the type of chart. For example:

  • Column, Pie, or Bar charts display #N/A values as gaps or zero

  • Scatter, Area or Stock charts display #N/A values as gaps

  • Line or Radar charts display #N/A values as connected

Note: Sunburst and Treemap charts don't allow #N/A cells within chart data.

The following code sample shows how to display #N/A cells as empty cells in the chart. The displayBlanksAs method shows empty cells as gaps.

// get the activesheet
var activeSheet = spread.getActiveSheet();
// create array
var na_error = GC.Spread.CalcEngine.Errors.NotAvailable;
var dataArray = [
    ["", "Apple", "Samsung", "LG", "Motorola", "OnePlus"],
    ["Jan", 2, na_error, 3, 4, 5],
    ["Feb", na_error, 3, na_error, 5, 6],
    ["Mar", 3, 4, 5, na_error, 7],
// set data
activeSheet.setArray(0, 0, dataArray);

// add chart
var chart = activeSheet.charts.add('Chart', GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.area, 2, 85, 350, 350, 'A1:F4');

// displayNaNAsBlank just make the #N/A treat as "blank"
//then displayBlanksAs will tell chart how the "blank" displays i.e. zero/ gaps/ connected

// set chart title
chart.title({ text: "Display NAN As Blank" });