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Chart Title

SpreadJS allows users to configure chart titles while visualizing data in the spreadsheets. The chart title refers to the name given to the chart.

Users can add a title to their chart by using the title method of the Chart class. Users can set a custom text for their chart; define its font family, change its font size and font color, etc. using the various customization options available in this method.

A chart with the customization of basic components is shown below. The title of this chart is "Annual Sales Record".

The following code sample shows how to configure a custom title for the chart.

var activeSheet = spread.getActiveSheet();
// Prepare data for chart
activeSheet.setValue(0, 1, "Y-2016");
activeSheet.setValue(0, 2, "Y-2017");
activeSheet.setValue(0, 3, "Y-2018");
activeSheet.setValue(1, 0, "Mobile Phones");
activeSheet.setValue(2, 0, "Laptops");
activeSheet.setValue(3, 0, "Tablets");
for (var r = 1; r <= 3; r++)
   for (var c = 1; c <= 3; c++) {
       activeSheet.setValue(r, c, parseInt(Math.random() * 10000));
// Add chart
var chart = activeSheet.charts.add('Chart1', GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.columnClustered, 20, 110, 550, 250, "A1:D4");
// Configure chart title
var title = chart.title();
title.text = "Annual Sales Record";
title.fontFamily = "Cambria";
title.fontSize = 28;
title.color = "#696969";