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Display Zero as Blank

SpreadJS, by default, displays zero values as "0" in the number type cells.

However, you can display zero values as blank by setting the showZeros option of the worksheet to false.

The following sample code shows how to use the showZeros option to display zero values as blank cells in a worksheet.

sheet.options.showZeros = false;
// input "=1-1" in cell A1, the A1 cell display blank.

This option only impacts the display value of a cell and not the actual value. Hence, there is no change in any calculations or charts that involve zero-value cells.

On the contrary, the filter dialog uses display values and hence, shows blank when the showZeros option is set to false.

Similarly, in watermark cells, SpreadJS displays a watermark when a zero value is displayed as blank.

Note: The following cases apply when showZeros option is false.

  • String "0" is not displayed as blank. Option is applicable to number type cells only.

  • Cell displays "0" if its value is not 0, but the format result is 0. For example, 0.01 with format #,##0.

  • The OADATE(0), that is, sheet.setValue(0,0,new Date(1899, 11, 30)); displays as blank.

  • Zero values display as it is when showFormulas is set to true.

Using Designer

You can also enable this feature through the SpreadJS Designer by checking the "Show Zero Value Cells" checkbox in the Sheet Settings dialog.
