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Combo Box Cell

SpreadJS provides the support for a combo box cell which displays a drop-down list.

If the item width is less than the cell width, then the item width is set to the cell width; otherwise, the item width is equal to the width of the longest item.

The following example creates a combo box cell with a list of items.

var cellType2 = new GC.Spread.Sheets.CellTypes.ComboBox();
activeSheet.getCell(2, 2).cellType(cellType2);

The combo cell is editable and you can type in the edit portion of the cell and the matching item in the list to select it automatically.

The following example creates an editable combo box cell with a list of items.

var items2 = ["a", "ab", "abc", "apple", "boy", "cat", "dog"];
var eComboBoxCellType = new GC.Spread.Sheets.CellTypes.ComboBox().items(items2).editable(true);
activeSheet.getCell(1, 3).cellType(eComboBoxCellType);

The maximum number of visible items in the drop-down list is 20. Use the up or down arrow keys to select items when the drop-down list is displayed. The left and right arrow keys commit the selected item and move to the next or previous cell. The Enter key also commits the selected item and the Esc key cancels the selected item.

The arrow keys may not behave the same when using rapid input mode. If the cell's editor status is EditorStatus.Enter, pressing the left or right arrow key ends editing and navigates to the previous or next cell. If the editor status is EditorStatus.Edit, pressing the left or right arrow key does not end editing.

Dropdown Position

SpreadJS ComboBox cell type provides allowFloat property which handles the dropdown positioning of combobox. It helps in managing the dropdown position and size when the SpreadJS component does not have sufficient space to fit the dropdown or to prevent the dropdown from overflowing.

When allowFloat property is set to false and there isn’t enough space in SpreadJS to contain the dropdown, then the ComboBox cell type resizes the dropdown to ensure it does not overflow the area of the SpreadJS instance.

However, if the allowFloat property is set to true (default), then on opening the dropdown box, it floats above the SpreadJS area to show more content and it does not affect the size and position of the dropdown box when the user scrolls the SpreadJS.

The following images display the ComboBox cell type with the allowFloat property.

allowFloat = false

allowFloat = true

